How to solve the energy crisis: hook Henry Luce’s rapidly spinning corpse to a dynamo

Time hits bottom, stops digging, and instead gossips about it having anal sex – and you are there:

Ana Marie Cox has been named Washington Editor of, it was announced today by Richard Stengel, managing editor of TIME. Her appointment is effective July 31, 2006.
Cox joined TIME in March 2006, as a contributing writer. In her new role she will be coordinating’s political coverage as well as continuing to create features and essays for both the print and online editions.
Prior to her experience at TIME, Cox was the founding editor of the political blog Wonkette.
“Ana Marie is a sharp and witty observer of the Washington scene and has the ability to spot political angles in surprising places,” says Stengel. “In her new role, she’ll bring her great web instincts to covering the hot topics of the day.”

Surprising places? What… pants?


  1. TIME magazine is gay and coverage of anal sex by TIME magazine is in keeping with their gayness…very gay…Wonkette will uphold this tradition in lowly and reprehensible style…good news for TIME readers everywhere!!!

  2. Sounds like Time magazine is going the direction of Britain’s Sun newspaper. Does this mean lots of half nude photos of politicians and celebrities accompanied by low budget commentary and humor.

  3. One wonders just who is making decisions at Time. Do they ever remove their head from whatever orifice they have it stuck in to see which way the wind is blowing. With readership down they have hired someone to regurgitate the same old tied drivel that got them where they are in the first place.
    These people refuse to learn from their mistakes. They are so arrogant that they think if they just “keep up the good fight” eventually everyone will see the error of their ways and come crawling back to sit at their feet.
    News flash, those days are over. The vast majority of Americans and even members of the international community have left the MSM in the dust. We don’t need you people to tell us what to think. We know how to read and how to listen and we don’t need you to interpret our native tongue. Go peddle your papers (magazines) somewhere else.
    Or get a real job.

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