I Can Be Either a Funny Conservative or a Serious Liberal

John Hawkins compares my satire editorial from yesterday to Richard Cohen’s serious editorial today.
Should I sue for plagarism?
UPDATE: Come on; this could mean real plublicity. I sue Cohen from stealing from my satire to make serious liberal commentary. If don’t fight this now, where will this end?
Any lawyers out there want to take this?


  1. The real test is to see if the ACLU will take up your case. That would be so sweeeet…
    If that happened we’d all definetly have to bow down to your superior funny skillz.
    Ahem. Not that we don’t already do, of course…

  2. It’s so much better reading the comments left by conservatives and libertarians than leftists and liberals: There is a WHOLE lot more proofreading going on, not to mention a giant leap forward in reading level…
    Looking at Kos and DU posts, it’s like reading first graders’ spelling tests. If not for computer font, I swear you could see that horrible scrawling of which 6 and 7 year olds are capable.

  3. Hi there Richard Cohen, I know you read John Hawkins post and are reading this. Pull your head outa that dark stinky hole and realize that “They”, the bad guys want to kill you, and me. I got a problem with the me part.

  4. Dude,
    Sue the b@stard, get the ca$h so there won’t be anymore ads taking up blog space.
    Then podcast you singing “I’m in the money” to hardcore music.
    Yeah, sue the b@stard.

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