I’m Not Aloof; I’m The Loof

SarahK says I’m a bit too aloof with my readers. I thought it was okay that I quietly read all your comments and e-mails, but do you people actually expect me to respond or something? I once tried responding to every comment back when I started my blog, but that quickly became overwhelming.
Frankly, I think everyone should be happy that I watch over you all quietly… like a god!
UPDATE: More to the point, I should mention that nothing motivates me to write more than comments (especially when I got out on limb and do something different like with writing a story). I’m afraid that by being aloof, people are less motivated to comment and thus I kill my own inspiration.


  1. Oh, hell no. We’re a bunch of freaks. It just works out better for everyone in the long run if you keep us guessing as to your true feelings about us.
    And to be fair, aren’t all your thoughts expressed frankly?

  2. Up to you man. There is no requirement that you respond to emails.
    There are conservative bloggers that I correspond with. Their responses are usually short and to the point due to them taking time to respond to every email they get that is not hate-filled gibberish.
    Do I respect the one’s that take the time more than the one’s that don’t? Well of course I do.
    Do your loyal readers think you are a bad person or a jackass if you don’t respond to us? Hell no.
    Besides all that, who cares what we think? Do what you think is the right thing to do. I certainly won’t read your site any less because of it.

  3. you could have explained this better, monkeyface. we were discussing how readers come and go and you said you wonder why you have a lot of readers who stay awhile and then disappear. and i said it’s because you’re standoffish and don’t comment and don’t respond to any comment emails. (not to mention never commenting on other blogs.)
    i didn’t just out of the blue say, “you’re too aloof! you comment better! me boss! you staff!”

  4. Frank,
    As someone that we all know really enjoys positive reinforcement (Hellbender is sweet by the way, I also enjoyed Superego very much) it might be good to see you respond to a few comments here and there besides typos & trolls, like letting someone know when they made YOU laugh in the comments. Other than that I think you’re doing one hell of a job churning out teh funny.
    (I’m not sure which side of the debate this puts me on or whether I’ve just located the squishy middle ground.)

  5. I don’t care if you comment on the comments. Returned my e-mail (Of course that would require I e-mqil first)
    However, I would prefer you enforce discipline amongst your minions and MAKE THE DUCK ANSWER THE LAST BATCH OF ASK DR DUCKY QUESTIONS.
    Whooo, I feel better now.

  6. I’d love to have an IMAO chat room. I’d love to talk to my fellow IMAOers real time.
    The Gang of posters and commenters here are great folks and I’d love to hoist a beer with you all. But, since we are scattered to the wind, a chance to talk about anything and everything realtime would rock.
    And I come back and occasionally comment ever day, regardless of whether you are aloof or not. You’re a good man and have a good team, Frank J.

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