IMAO Advice

Guys, don’t drink and bet. [Link mention’s men’s private parts, no pictures thankfully]
Don’t make that bet anyway.


  1. On further thought. Liberals are afraid of conservatives and liberals are afraid of homosexuals, therefore conservatives must be (and attacked as) homosexuals. All things feared are one. Such is the logic of liberals?

  2. Jimbo,
    Those two Jon Stewart clips were pretty lame. I have seen Stewart do hilarious stuff in the past but repeating the punch line over and over doesn’t pass for great humor. Go look at the clips again. Stewart doesn’t even do much of a setup or joke just the punch line over and over and over. Those pieces are more about propagandistic hatred and group think than humor. In fact the clips are only funny if you happen to viscerally hate the object of ridicule. I have seen similar stuff here, “punching the monkey faced liberal” is an example. It was very different though in that the punch line was repeated and the commenter was invited to create his own setup and joke. I might add that many of commenters inventions were hilarious. Stewart’s stuff is just sad group think. Not Funny!
    And by the way, never play poker with guys who drink industrial cleaning products. Ouch!

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