Is This Enough to Finally Get His Title Changed from “Reverend” to Something More Appropriate… Like “Jackoff”?

Am I reading this editorial right in that the “Reverend” Al Sharpton is urging Churches to forget all that crazy religious stuff and instead focus on petty political issues?
The beliefs of the Democratic base have long been in conflict with the religious beliefs of the majority of blacks, and I know the Democrats have to be quite scared that will one day break up what has always been a solid voting block for them (and basically cause the Democrats’ extinction), but this is pretty pathetic. We have here an editorial on what Christian churches should be focusing on that mentions all the old canards (“stolen” elections of 2000 and 2004) but doesn’t mention Jesus once; that’s just surreal from someone claiming to have any connection to religion.
If Al Sharpton wants more acceptance, he should try and stop churches from preaching about being on the lookout for false prophets. Otherwise the smart ones will kick him right out the door.

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  1. cry wolf,
    I think your one up on the boy who cried wolf. You’re the boy who’s cry’s were completely unintelligible. The villagers bludgeoned him repeatedly with the blunt end of a lead pipe to knock some sense into him (Or get him to shut up). Perhaps that has only added to your confusion, but the villagers felt much better after.

  2. //stop churches from preaching about being on the lookout for false profits//
    I love the point you make, Frank, but I think you mean prophets here. The kind you’re talking about are the false profits that got Enron in trouble. Unless you been watching Dogma again…

  3. “To be clear, no one is denying anybody’s right to preach what he or she believes. But we refuse to allow the few to speak for the many. We will not sit idly as these ministers tarnish Dr. King’s legacy by promoting their small-minded causes to the detriment of the battles truly worth fighting.”
    Um, the few speaking for the many? How many Black ministers were at the Retarded Al Shapton’s conference as opposed to within the entirety of the US? Was he meaning to be ironic there?

  4. “…never forget who led us out of bondage and to be unyielding in following their tenets until they are realized.”
    Technically wasn’t it a Republican president that led them out of bondage, because I could swear Lincoln abolished slavery.

  5. Neo,
    I repeat myself but as I think this is so funny:
    As long as the pipe is not made of the same kind of paper as Al Sukami’s passport “found” in WTC’s debris.
    What should have been made of the same kind of paper? Flight 93’s black boxes.

  6. Jesse Jackson acted similarly before the 2004 election, going to black Baptist churches and telling them to stop worrying about all that stuff in the bible and just vote for Kerry already.

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