Just Captioning…

[Hat tip: John of Argghhh!]
(click to enlarge)

“Soldiers disappointedly sample a local Iraqi delicacy – the ‘sandmelon'”
“Green on the outside, red on the inside… it’s like eating a hippy!”


  1. Always devour a hippies melon after whomping him one with the head of a pipe. Don’t let his melon fall on the ground and get sand in it. There’s nothing worse at a BBQ than a dirty hot dog and gritty hippie melon. Oh! Wasn’t that in a Dylan song.
    No, that was ” rice, sea weed, and a dirty hot dog”. Nothing about gritty hippie melon. Hmm– Think we could get Bob to incorporate it into the song, or a new song about being tired of dumb old hippies, ‘I ain’t gonna’ hang with the dirty hippies at the commune no more’.
    Probably not, Bob in many ways qualifies as an annoying old hippie. His last few albums haven’t been bad though, so I’ll give him a pass for now. Just so he keeps the tunes coming and his mouth shut, if he tries to say anything, than it’s time to smack him on the noggin. I always thought he should win some sort of lifetime achievement award for being an asshole with a major attitude. Call it ‘The Golden Prick, Lifetime Achievement Award”. Didn’t Gore Vidal win the last one?

  2. From The New York Times:
    “The New York Times recently received this photograph from an unnamed source. The source claims this is evidence that US troops have been barbequeing and eating Iraqi children. In the background you can see a huge BBQ pit in which entire families are cooked to order. In the foreground, two soldiers feasting on the brains of Iraqi children. Senators Murtha and Kerry, who served in Viet Nam btw, believe this to be evidence of horrendous warcrimes being committed by troops, and blamed President Bush for these atrocities. And they should know because they served in Viet Nam.”

  3. I for one, am the authority in this particular subject, because I was in both Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq. Both! Eating the inhabitants of those particular countries is a courtesy that is normally extended only to high ranking officials of their governments or to the “fabulously well to do.”
    To deprive our troops of such opportunities is, from what I’ve heard, “Soooo f…UN…patriotic like f^*# (or some s#(& like that)”

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