Major fundraiser for Pizza For IDF

Eric J., one of my fellow bloggers toiling away for Meryl Yourish, is working on a centralized fundraising project for Pizza For IDF.
I’m throwing in $25 of my own money.

FRANKJ: Wait a minute. What’s this about Meryl Yourish? I thought you were my scheming Jew!
LAIR: Well, Meryl’s site is… um… Scheming Jew Headquarters!
FRANKJ: I thought that was Little Green Footballs.
LAIR: No, Charles Johnson may be the Master of Lizardoids, but he’s on our payroll. Zionist Conspiracy Checks and all. So, I figured… um… I’m just gathering intelligence for… um… nuking the moon! And… killing monkeys!
FRANKJ: Okay, but don’t let me catch you scheming against me and giving away IMAO secrets. Otherwise I’ll… snap the heads off of your dolls!
LAIR: They’re action figures, not dolls!
FRANKJ: Aquaman an action figure? Hah! Yeah, right.
LAIR: Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
LAIR: [RUBS HANDS TOGETHER] Heh heh heh. My nefarious plan is coming together wonderfully!
FRANKJ: I told you to stop scheming against me!
LAIR: Just… um… it’s afternoon prayer time! adonai… um… yahweh… kosher pickles… havah nagileh…
FRANKJ: I knew I should have gotten a black instead of a Jew.


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