My Dog Is More Obedient Than Your Dog

For your morning viewing pleasure, here are pictures of Rowdi balancing a large dog biscuit on her nose, patiently waiting for the “Free!” command while the lovely and talented SarahK took her picture. There’s also a description of when Rowdi accidentally mistook something for the “Free!” command, flipped the dog biscuit in her mouth, and then realized her mistake and stood there not chewing the biscuit.
Good puppy.

Since SarahK will yell at me if I don’t give them equal time, here are pictures of the dumb stupid cats being dumb and stupid.
And smelling.


  1. there was no photoshopping.
    That photo would make a great blank for a photoshop contest, see what imaginative things people could balance on the dog’s nose. Not I though, since I haven’t any ‘shop skills.

  2. I’m beginning to think that all cats are dumb and stupid. Like today, our der kittenmeister decided to drink from the big porcelin water dish like the big dogs do. But he fell in – stupid cat. I quickly slammed the lid and hit the “spin” handle. Paybacks are a b*^+h.
    I bet he thinks twice before attacking my REM sleep again.

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