North Korea Is Threatening Our Existence, and You’re Just Sitting There Reading IMAO

I see like everybody out there in the blogosphere complaining about North Korea and their missiles, but I don’t see anyone doing anything about it. Is Glenn Reynolds organizing a North Korean boycott? Is Michelle Malkin planning to invade North Korea and blow up their missiles sites? Is Mr. T setting up a system to shoot down launched North Korean missiles?
Well, I guess Mr. T doesn’t have a blog, but he should.
Anyway, if none of you are going to personally do anything about North Korea, then everyone in the blogosphere should stop all this blah blah blah about it. Sheesh.


  1. What do you mean doing nothing? I knocked those missiles out of the air…with my mind!
    And what do you do? You sit around using your telekinetic powers to torment the cats!

  2. I’ll have you know that I am multi-tasking the North Korea situation. I am “just sitting [here] reading IMAO,” “blah, blahing” in your combox, AND (note use of CAPS) listening to Mark Levin “blah, blah” right now on the radio.
    Speak for yourself.

  3. jimmycarter, everyone knows that all DC superheros are becoming gay, haven’t you seen superman? i guess i’ll have to go n korea and take care of this myself. i ain’t touching kim though. he apparently has poop in his poof. i will break his cheesy sunglasses though.

  4. pj a more effective comment, keeping in mind the thread would have been
    “frank the best thing anyone including you can do to stop puffy hair would be to think really mean thoughts about puffy hair and write more hellbender (not in that order)”

  5. I would not have wasted all those rockets if this was all the buzz it would produce. Just poofy hair jokes? I have you know, if I stop using product, several small towns in New Jersey would fold up.
    I wonder how Aquaman taste in a rice and seaweed roll?

  6. Of course I know that all DC Superheros are gay…and our own Aquafag has always led the way with his gayness! But he’s our gay superhero and only he can stop the North Korean menace!

  7. USSJC – Don’t forget Zorro the Gay Blade. I know he wasn’t DC but I’m sure that he would be more than willing to give Aquaman a hand or rear support, whichever is needed. He offers so much more than lip service.

  8. Bah! Sell a fellow dictator a few low-milage surplus missles as a favor and what does he do? Tries to launch them with two tanks of propane and a stack of political prisoners. (Nice touch, the political prisoners, though…)
    Again, I say bah! That low rent swine! He doesn’t even wear the requisite number of medals on that cut-rate, flea market reject “uniform” of his!
    Don’t blame us – we tried to sell him the extended warranty, but did he listen? NOoooooo! “Listen, Kim!”, I said, “I’ll throw in the extended warranty on the warheads and premium undercoating on the boosters for only $299.95 –and– give you a free oil change half-way before impact!” You’d think he’d listen to a reasonable deal like that! But that sawed off runt was so busy chasing skirt around the sales lot that half of my generales were ready to have his entire entourage executed just so he wouldn’t give the rest of us murdering dictators such a bad image… I mean, come on!… We DO have an image to uphold! Masses to oppress, uprisings to quash, economies to pillage…
    Bah! Next time I’ll just sell him a cattle prod wired to an electric fence charger and tell him it’s an Anti-Capitalist Particle Beam Weapon that can only be directly controlled by telepathic control via the sphincter muscles.

  9. Bah! Sell a fellow dictator a few low-milage surplus missles as a favor and what does he do? Tries to launch them with two tanks of propane and a stack of political prisoners. (Nice touch, the political prisoners, though…)
    Again, I say bah! That low rent swine! He doesn’t even wear the requisite number of medals on that cut-rate, flea market reject “uniform” of his!

    Bah! You tick-bitten garbagemonger! If I need anything out of your backwards little mudpile, it will be rum and cigars!
    And, you Chickenhawk, I do not wear a uniform…it is as they say in English an “ensemble.” If I was not a peace-loving socialist, I would come over there and beat your cranky old ass, Comrade!

  10. Speaking of low rent, Beloved Leader what’s with the cigars these days, anyway. The last one I had the distinct off taste of old proletariat underwear. You guy’s aren’t messin’ with the goods again are you. Having problems with the old command economy again.

  11. Could be mistaken, O beloved leader. You miserable socialists sprout up like pimples and are difficult to distinguish. So, what your saying is you can’t even offer a miserable cigar with minimum content of old underwear.
    I see you’ve been firing off the old dong in a mad frenzy of late. What’s with all the missiles. Special occasion of some sort. Did you get a new wing built on that pleasure dome of yours and a new brigade of harlots added to your imperial pleasure brigade. You do realize that if your dong stays up for more than four hours your supposed to consult a qualified physician. After your priapism subsides, it might just rot off.

  12. I think the UN should send a “strongly worded” letter to NORK. That should do the trick. It will have the old fart shaking in his commie boots, it will.
    Of course, THEY might also be waiting for RWD to answer the last batch of Dr. Duck questions before they send the letter. So, if we get nuked before he does, blame him.

  13. Hey everybody lay off of the right wing duck. He said he would post the answers on Friday. He NEVER specified which Friday.
    My bet is the second Friday in November.

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