prayer request . . .

i was horrified to hear that saddam is doing so badly after two weeks of his “hunger strike” — i find it a little hard to believe that a man so cowardly that he allowed himself to be captured in a rat hole would have the guts to starve himself to death, but i wouldn’t want to take the chance he would die even by accident — he’s got an appointment to make that i don’t want to see him miss . . .


  1. He should try the Cindy Sheehan political-dissension diet like Michelle Malkin did.
    I understand Sheehan actually refuses to eat between bites, chews only when her mouth is full, and is on a forced-fast of Jamba Juice. How can you fight such a self-sacrifice.
    What daring. What inspiration. What…a load of crap.

  2. No way can he do the Cindy Sheehan hunger strike method, it wouldn’t be fair. They’d have to find a steel cable to use as a rope, and it’d look like they were hanging the Michelin Tire Man!

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