Random Musing

If I were insane, I’d probably eat people’s faces. That just sounds like the sort of thing that would fit my character… if I were insane.
Which I’m not.
But if I were psychotically insane, I could just see me eating someone’s face. Then a guy would ask, “Hey, what happened to Pete’s face?”
And I’d say, “I ate it.” Then I’d giggle. And that seems just about right for me… if were insane.
Which I’m not.

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  1. VVell Ye5,
    I Ge55 VVe can a11 5t0p VV0nDer1nG. Fr4nk i5 Dephinitelee NOT N-s4Ne (giggle). He just 5aid so…so…so I ThiNK th4t ju5t a3out 5ettles it. (giggle)
    0. N-c4se N-E of thee LuMinati are reeedinging this: Neither am I.
    By the way, Y duzz thi5 5ite sme11 like 3urni5hed frenCH frYes and c4t fur???????????????
    (giggle) Repeeetinging cHrcTrs S phuN.

  2. Umm…okay…now, I’m just asking here…ummm, about a friend I know. So, this friend of mine…umm…let’s just say this friend has eaten a face or two. Would that necessarily mean that…ummm…that my friend was definitely insane…or, umm…I mean couldn’t that mean that my…ummm…friend was just experimenting with different food groups?

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