Right and Wrong

John Hawkins has Right-Of-Center Bloggers Select Their Least Favorite People On The Right – which I participated in. I only chose a couple, and they were the frontrunners.
I wonder if Andrew Sullivan got so little votes because most don’t think of him as on the right anymore. Does being hysterical have an ideology?


  1. I think people should go easier on Andrew Sullivan. Before I found his site a few years ago, I was pretty close to moonbat territory. He reeled me in to the moderate conservative range. I may not be particularly far to the right, but at least I’m sane enough to appreciate the fine humor of IMAO thanks to him.

  2. Someone mentioned the other day that it’s interesting that so many Conservatives criticize other Conservatives. We don’t seem to need to pander to each other the way Libs do.
    When was the last time a Lib criticized someone of their own ideology. Libeman is a perfect example. As long as he towed the party line everyone liked him, let him stray from the pack and the attack dogs come out. The major difference as usual, is the viciousness and hysteria of the attacks. One can disagree with other and not start foaming and the mouth.
    Then again it is so very entertaining when they do it and television these days has graduated to the Vast Wasteland it was prophesied to be decades ago. So go at it, folks. Take paper towel along though, all that flying spittle is just NOT attractive.

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