RWD Begins A New Career!!

Ladies and Gentlemen,
One never knows where one will find inspiration. Doesn’t one?
Anyway, after having my last comic ripped by friends and foe alike (see previous post), I have chosen a new direction in my career.
You see there is only one career where your work doesn’t have to make sense; where the quality isn’t as relevant as the feeling behind the work; where you can make a living without having any real talent. No, I’m not going to write for the New York Times. This profession is more extreme.
That’s right. I have chosen the profession of
Left Wing Cartoonist.
My first work is shown below.

If you don’t get it, that means you are simply a right wing wack job.
I don’t have time to explain it to you. I’m a busy duck.
All others may forward cash directly to the IMAO off-shore, oil company provided illegal account.


  1. Are you sure you don’t mean Right Wing Cartoonist?
    After all, it looks the dumb lovable warmonger I voted for, and his bloodthirsty sidekick.
    Actually, it looks like an illustration from In My World.

  2. Hmm… Bush lost an arm? to Cheney? Bush is losing our arms?… Aha! Bush is depleating our arms stockpile in Cheney’s illegal war for oil!!
    Does this mean we should increase military R&D?

  3. Cheney is holding a kleenex? Maybe he is crying? Yes, crying over the fate of America since Bush stole the election!
    So this means Cheney represents America (albeit crying over its fate)? Does this make Cheney the ultimate American?

  4. It’s funny because Bush is dumb, and Cheney is evil.
    It would have been funnier if it mentioned that Bush lied, though.
    You’re still no Tom Tomorrow, but you are getting better

  5. You’re my new favorite political cartoonist, Ducky! I’ll admit, it’s not nearly as unfunny as Tom Tomorrow, and falls short of being quite as pointless…
    What was I saying?
    Anyhoo, great work, RWD!

  6. RightWing Duck:
    “You see there is only one career where your work doesn’t have to make sense; where the quality isn’t as relevant as the feeling behind the work; where you can make a living without having any real talent.”
    It seems to me that the only career that seems to fulfill these criteria is IMAO contributor.
    Oh yeah. That is not a career. For it to be a career it would have to allow you to “make a living” by getting paid.
    And for you to get paid people would have to actually visit IMAO in numbers large enough to generate advertising/t-shirt revenues.
    By the way, your current cartoon seems to imply that my or others criticism of your cartoon had something to do with its political perspective.
    Speaking for myself, that is not the case. In fact, I think there are many good “right-wing” cartoonists and cartoon out there.
    For instance, hereis a good right wing editorial cartoon regarding Michael Moore by a good editorial cartoonist.
    Unlike yours, it is original, well drawn, politically relevant, and amusing.
    I didn’t like your cartoon because it was crap. Not because it was right-wing.
    Monkey Faced Liberal
    P.S. By the way, as you can see from the date of the cartoon, making fun of Michael Moore is SO 2004.
    Can you try and get with the conservative program and make fun the latest bugbears of the right — Murtha, Dean, or Pelosi?

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