Saying Something Positive About Islam

I think I’ve been a little harsh on Islam in general lately, but you can’t be an honest Christian without thinking that all other religions are complete and utter crap (with some exception to Judaism because it’s the precursor to Christianity). I mean, if you think the Prophet Mohammed wasn’t a nut, then you should switch to Islam; it’s simple as that, but most are too polite to say it.
Still, Muslims seem to be much more respectful of their own religion is some ways than the average Christian. Ever hear a Muslim stub his toe and yell, “Prophet Mohammed!”
Me neither.


  1. I guess one “good” thing about radical muslims is that propensity to blow themselves up which really only works best when they don’t get a chance to do it around the nonbelieving infidels.
    Another kewl thing is how different sects fight and kill each other. Man, you’ll rarely see a Baptist and a Methodist go at it with as much zeal as a shi’ite and a sunni.

  2. Positive about Islam?
    I suppose I am positive that Islam wants to be the center of World War III without realizing all that it entails… We may not be so patient and understanding this time, and end it before it really gets going. Can you say “the glassy knoll of Tehran”?

  3. I, the Prophet Moe Howard (pee on him), want to say that bombing buses is not a matter of religious fervor, but economics. If there are fewer buses, people will have to take taxis which will fund our terrorist — UH extremist — UH peace-keeping forces.
    Thanks be to “Allah-Tacrap”.

  4. I can say one thing positive about Islam. Knife sharpener is a highly regarded profession! Nobody likes to saw away at a wriggling infidel who is screaming at the top of his lungs (or spraying blood out his throat, anyway). The quicker his head is removed, the sooner one can get to the next stoning of a women for being raped.
    Everybody appreciates a sharp knife.

  5. My parents have had several (professional) dealings with Muslims – especially pre-Saddam Iraqis and pre-Khomeini Iranians.
    As soon as they leave their countries, chadors fly away, restrictions on food and drinks vanish – but not their abject misogyny. My mother had to have my father around whenever she wanted to deal with them. (And once, when it was time to accompany these “people” to the train station, she gave them the choice of having her drive – SIN!!! – or walking. They took the ride.)
    If there’s one religion of utter hypocrisy…

  6. I am sure there are tons of wonderful muslims, I mean they can’t have all been beheaded or stoned. In the ommpral words of Abu Johnnie Bin Cochran, if yo woman’s a bitch give her the switch!

  7. One positive thing about islam…
    Those burqas (Arabic for “beekeeper”)are a mixed blessing. They’re oppressive to women, but I can’t say I’ve seen a whole lot of muslim hotties.

  8. Positive thing about Islam: when it comes to insulting other religions, Muslims will steer clear of any insults directed at Moses or Jesus, since both are still considered prophets in their book.
    Also, when I was in high school, my Muslim friend got in serious trouble with his dad because he (my friend) had accepted a challenge where the loser had dress up in women’s clothes for a day. You gotta respect a dad who chews out his kid for accepting a challenge that stupid. 🙂
    Finally, baklava is delicious.

  9. Oy, don’t start the Mediterranean food war. Who invented hummus? Who invented baklava? Who invented shawrma? The Greek, Israelis, and Arabs will fight toe and nail to assert that they invented it before the others.
    If you want a full-scale diplomatic showdown, simply get the UN ambassadors of Greece, Israel, and Arab states together, point to the Israeli ambassador, and say, “The Jews invented hommus.” There’ll be stern and strongly-worded resolutions with threats to escalate in no time while each ambassador is shouting at the top of his lungs, damning the sneaky thieves of their cuisine.
    Good thing about Muslims: their architecture and art aren’t all that bad. Too bad what they built tends to get levelled because they like shooting rockets and missiles from them.
    Hmmmmm. Don’t minarets look like missiles? Maybe Muhammad was preparing the Muslims to be familiar with the shape of missiles from the very beginning.

  10. Well…
    Women doing middle-eastern dance can totally rock – too bad so many of them over here who learn it weigh 230+ pounds.
    Francesco finally said something I totally agree with. Two more times and someone’s a saint, by God!
    Turks tend to be very good hosts, provided you buy a rug at some point. A dear friend and world traveller injured her leg the first day in Turkey and was waited on hand and foot by her hotel manager and his staff, who saw it as their duty as her host to take excellent care of her.
    I’ve become convinced that part of the reason so many are nuts in the mid-east is that the sane ones all left between 1950 and now, because I have yet to meet a non-westernized Iranian or Iraqi.

  11. To the scabby dog:
    It’s not the Sunni or the Shia blowing each other; It’s mercenaries and secret agents doing black and false flag ops as the British ones, caught by the Iraqui police dressed as Arabs with lots of guns and explosives. What happened then. The British levelled the “friendly” police station where the assassins were detained and released them. It was the empire who murdered Sérgio Vieira de Matos.

  12. They survive in sweltering heat under 10 yards of fabric and itchy beards. And as Parade says, even though women can’t really do anything in Saudi Arabia, they have nice beaches (even though I wonder how you can swim in a burka).

  13. Big Turk: Are you really Turkish? I’d like to ask a few questions about Turkish society if you don’t mind. If you could send me an email (muslihoon at yahoo dot com), I’d greatly appreciate it.
    If you’re not Turkish, I apologize for this instrusion.

  14. Also, there was that item posted on “Best of the Web Today” where a Palestinian militant was sporting American fatigues. While the man himself was anti-American, he explain his fashion sense because American soldiers are the greatest warriors in the world. That’s respect.

  15. Also, apologies for the baklava thing (I should have known that was a regionally disputed item, having ordered it in both Mid-Eastern and Greek restaurants), so I replace it with the following: shwarama, quite possibly the most delicious barbecued chicken/lamb dish I have ever tasted.

  16. I just realized something today.
    Islam is really I-slam! As in “I slam into buses full of children loaded with 100 pounds of explosives!”
    See, the name has a psychological effect on its adherants, causing them to do stupid explosive things!

  17. Muhummabomber’s failings show up when his foller’ers get antsy over a cartoon.
    Minarets are shaped like bishops; they sure like polishin’ those things, don’t they?
    And TGregg, I do also appreciate a sharp knive..

  18. I followed a moslem around for awhile to see what they say when they stub their toe. Turns out they yell, “Death-to-America! I just stubbed my Death-to-Joooooooos toe.”
    Seems they take the whole concept of cursing quite literally.

  19. Muslims say nothing when they stub their toes. They stubbed them because of the Zionist Conspiracy and the infidels of that Great Satan, America. When they stub their toes, they plan and execute suicide bombings in retaliation.
    “A Joooo made me stub my toe. Where’s my bomb vest so I may kill Jooos and meet virgins in heaven, Allah willing.”
    Something positive about Islam…hmmm…I’m positive any Korans, clerics, terrorists, or weapons caches at the center of a U.S. nuclear bomb blast will vaporize, never to trouble us again. Yep, I’m pretty positive about that.

  20. Seriously, you know Methodists and Baptists dont just fight, but they do have…
    There is an ongoing epic battle between all Baptists and Methodists to see who has the best barbeque! Of course, the Baptists always win, because the Methodists let their pastors hold the newest version of the secret recipe, and when their pastors move on to the next church, they have to start over.

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