Since Glenn Greenwald Asked…

Glenn Greenwald is wondering why right-wing blogs aren’t condemning Misha for calling for the deaths of five Supreme Court Justices. I don’t know much about Glenn Greenwald than that his posts tend to be long and hysterical, but I’ll still step up to the challenge.
Misha is a bad bad man. It is wrong to call for deaths of Supreme Court Justices. Don’t tell me you were just using “hyperbole” because I don’t like that word since it looks like it should be pronounced HIPE-ER-BOWL, but it’s not. Killing is wrong, and, if you don’t like Supreme Court Justices, you should just wait to vote them out of office the next time they hold Supreme Court Elections.
Bad bad bad Misha. As soon as I get a blogroll up, I’m delinking you.
Hey, Greenwald said that we should have to condemn Misha since his blog is 42nd on the TTLB Ecosystem and Michelle Malkin and Captain’s Quarters has a link to him, but I’m currently ranked 20th and also linked to by Michelle Malkin and Captain’s Quarters. Why isn’t there ever a call to condemn me? Haven’t I said anything controversial enough? I mean, I recently called for the death of Kofi Annan. What am I doing wrong?
I guess I’ll just have to try harder.
Know who I hate?
Black people.
Yep. I hates me my black people. Any lefties out there better call on all the right-leaning blogs to condemn me. You can’t let me get away with this!
UPDATE: Glenn is right (not the Glenn with the long, hysterical posts but the one with short, glib posts): not only am I a highly linked blogger, but the current administration consults my writing for important policy decisions. It would be irresponsible for the left-leaning blogs not to call for my condemnation.
UPDATE 2: Know what I like best about President Bush? That he’s so much like Hitler!
UPDATE 3: I don’t know if anyone cares, but I also hate the Swedes.


  1. Hating black people alone doesn’t get one a condemnation any more, Frank. Now you have to hate the right black people to be condemned. For all we know you might just hate Michael Steele and Bill Cosby. That’s perfectly acceptable. Consult the Dialy Kos and DU for instructions, please.

  2. The Swedes? That alone deserves condemnation. I was going to send the bikini team over with a case of beer for a great column but you can forget it now mister.
    I’m going to send a bunch of hippie drummers from your “Old Town’ over instead.

  3. I fully support Misha’s comments, and look on in horror as weenie so-called Conservatives like Patterico condemn them. Our Founding Fathers would certainly recognise the dangerous revolutionary spirit that is arising all across this country.
    Has the Tree of Liberty been watered lately? It’s looking pretty parched to me.
    When Ann Coulter has bigger balls than you do, you’ve got a problem.

  4. How can you condem the Swedes? They are too dumb to condem! Have pity maybe but condemnation is a bit too strong don’t you think? And, being from Minnesota I know Swedes!

  5. Has anybody considered that Glenn Greenwald is upset simply because Misha called for the deaths of five Supreme Court justices, when it would have taken only two justices to change the result? Or maybe GG thinks that Misha should have called for the deaths of all nine? This may be just a numbers game.
    I hate the Irish, myself.

  6. Hey Frank,
    You do realize that the Puppy Blender outed your super secret last name in that post don’t you? I know it’s up on that writing site you talked about somewhere, but I was too lazy to go find it. Heh.

  7. In all this condemnation excitement, I forgot who the Emperor hated or wanted killed.
    I personnally have wild dreams about Israeli bulldozers bulldozering the entire Gaza Strip into the Mediterranean.

  8. Say, that Helen Reynolds is quite toothsome. What is she doing with a geeky-looking guy like the Puppyblender? And why does the Puppyblender link here so much, is he some pal of FrankJ’s? Will we someday find out that Glenn and FrankJ are old friends from a sleepy Connecticut town called… Stepford?

  9. Well, I called for nuking a small town in Denmark on Norwegian Independence day simply because I got the national flags mixed up and also the town had a really strange name. Is that gratuitous enough, or maybe people just have trouble taking this place seriously.

  10. You realize that you will be quoted out of context about the “hate blacks” thing at the most inconvenient time. Even Rush won’t go there. You can kiss any future TV revenues down the drain.

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