The Search for the IMAO T-Shirt Babe: Mach II

As you all know, the lovely and talented SarahK turned a corner early this morning–yes, the dreaded 30th birthday. We all looked the other way when she turned 29 last year, but letting her continue her reign into her 30s just seems sarcastic. Therefore, without further ado, I now officially open nominations for the IMAO T-Shirt Babe: Mach II!
So, ladies, you are probably asking yourself what you need to do to be the IMAO T-Shirt Babe, Mach II. First, be a babe (under 25 preferred-I don’t want to switch our babe again until well into the next Presidential administration). Second, have a photo taken displaying your babeness (extra credit for body shots). Third, to prove your babeness, write a short (200 words or less) hawkish statement (though, frankly, if you are blonde scorcher, skip the essay).
So spread the word, ring the bells, and notify the press; the contest has begun. Good luck to all participants, though only one will achieve the immortality that is being the IMAO T-Shirt Babe: Mach II.


  1. You’re publicly saying that your wife’s too old to be a T-shirt babe? Shit, you’re much, much, much, much, much braver than I realised.
    Let us know how you get on with that (if you survive).

  2. Folks, it’s kevin. While posters seem to be able to change the tagline on the actual post, if you get the rss feed, you’ll see the actual user name (cadet, which is one of kevin’s pseudos).
    I hate to be such a spoil-sport and ruin a good joke, but this really isn’t that funny…wait, what am I saying, of course I love being a spoil-sport. Good job, kevin 😀

  3. 30 is like totally over! I’m 52 and so is my wife…she is a very lucky woman and knows it (I remind her often) but I’ve been thinking lately that an older ruggedly good looking stud muffin like me might want to start thinking about a newer “improved” model. Something to think about, Frank! (Don’t tell my wife I wrote this or I’ll be grounded…again)

  4. As a sephardic jew I would like to show my gratitude to the US and Israel for fighting and keeping the ishmaelites far from Europe.
    Red Cross reports (1.000.000 not 6.000.000) from WWII say that most of the deaths in the german concentration camps were a result of the allied bombings that wrecked the german infrastructure and even prevented the Red Cross from supplying food to the camps as they had been doing until then.
    And I am a true jew whose ascendants probably never passed through the “promised land” after being released from Egypt but came straight to Iberia traveling across northern Africa. One cannot say the present dwellers in the “promised land” are jews. Is there any religion you can be born into it? That’s bullshit.

  5. Aw crap, its a joke. I was going to doctor up a picture of Kelly Pickler in a Nuke the Moon T and only a T. Then I was planning to bet on Franks chances of outrunning SarahK.

  6. USS JC: Many years ago, when I was young and foolish (okay, I’m still foolish) I told my now ex-wife when she turned 40 I was going to trade her in on two 20’s. She told me I wasn’t wired for 220–I’d burn out.

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