
You know, for a guy who got a few hundred extra votes in 2000 because of confused old Jews living in Boca Raton, Florida, Pat Buchanan can be such an ungrateful jerk.
I mean, come on. Israel’s UnChristian and UnAmerican?
What’s his first clue? Did he find a six-pointed star on his American Flag Depends garments this morning or something?
Next time, the World Zionist Conspiracy is going to rig the butterfly ballots so that people voting for the liberal robot envirofreak tool will end up voting for “Pat Buchanan is an ungrateful jerk.”

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  1. Good post Laurence.
    I have always found Buchanan to be a floundering idiot. He should be marginalized as much as possible, in my opinion. He is just one more on the big pile of anti-semitic jackasses who blame Israel for protecting itself. He is definitely on the right network.

  2. Looks like Pat Buchanan is making a whole new career for himself as a patsy for the liberals. Look at how the MSM wheels him out onto all the talk shows as the “representative” of conservatism. To them he’s just the face of mean deranged conservativism. The guy so arrogant he doesn’t even know what a total tool he is. Pat, why don’t you go back to dabbling in fascist xenophobia again too while your at it you stupid son of a bitch.

  3. I have to agree with Pat Buchanen.
    I mean, really. Sometimes it’s as if these Iraelis think they’re not even part of the United States. And what’s with this wacky religion of theirs, where they almost never talk about Jesus?

  4. Exile: In 1996, you voted for him? I can’t remember when I first heard of him; it was either the “amen corner” speech or else his reference to the Congress as “Israeli occupied territory”. Either one was before he became really famous in 1992 – for sabotaging Bush Sr.
    On a personal note – what a coincidence that Buchanan was talking about Israel’s “un-Christian” nature; at nearly the precise moment I was reading a couple of Holocaust excusers’ screed about the 1917 Bolsheviks being “non-Russian and non-Christian”. (Stalin, to pick a name purely at random, was Georgian; and Marxist are atheists by definition. Duh!)
    Buchanan knows what he’s doing. I’m impressed with his ability to type left-handed though, considering that he hasn’t managed to bend his right arm since Bitburg in 1985. Unfortunately IMAO’s swear-word filters keep me from saying what I really think of him.

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