When you need a name for a big hole…

Q: How will officials respond to the disaster in Boston’s “Big Dig” tunnel which recently killed a woman in her car?

A: They can finally name it after another famous Massachusetts woman-killing hole – Ted Kennedy.


  1. I feel so sorry for the victim and her family.
    Maybe now Mitt Romney will finally have that elusive last thing, on the laundry list of things that Matt has done, for him to have the legal authority to get FAT MATT AMARILLO FIRED from the Turnpike Authority Board and things can get done the right way-no more pocket lining, palm greasing, back scratching HACKS!
    Everyone was just waiting for something bad to happen. small debris falling on cars-check, leaks-check (too numerous to count), now this.

  2. I often point to The Big Dig when some leftist bitches about the expense of the space program – at least people outside Boston benefit from the Space Program. Also note that The Big Dig was authorized by Clinton signing for it in a press photo-op while congress was recessed, bypassing two branches of government to spend billions on behalf of Ted Kennedy, who looked on the signing with a smile normally reserved for cocktail waitresses. (See the Modern Marvels episode on the subject for this video.)
    Since the purpose of the “big dig” is to help pointless Massholes get to work ten minutes faster at vast national expense, we should work the term “Moot Poopchute Commute Route Loot” into ongoing coverage of the incident.

  3. ” at least people outside Boston benefit from the Space Program”
    So no more projects are allowed to take place on state levels. You want to widen a road in Massachusets? NO! That only benefits people IN Mass. If you want to widen a road in MA, you have to widen ALL roads in the entire country, so the COUNTRY benefits, Massholes!

  4. The $14.6 billion Big Dig would mildly improve traffic in Boston at a cost of almost $2 BILLION per mile. Estimates suggest it will take 50 years to pay off the debt on the project. It was originally estimated to cost $2.6 billion for the whole thing.
    Only Boston and New York are so arrogant as to think they are worth THIS kind of money for so minor a benefit – and it’s not state roads, it’s ONE CITY. ONE FREAKING CITY in a tiny state that doesn’t give a damn about the rest of the country.
    Note to Boston — if it’s too crowded, do what everyone else in the history of the world has ever done down to the smallest microbe with a flagella — if it’s too crowded, LEAVE.

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