Where’s My Sign?

It’s always struck me as markedly unfair that smelly hippies have a peace sign, yet fans of mindless violence like myself have no war sign.
Unless we DO have one and no one told me. I’ve missed a few of the meetings.
Any suggestions for a good war sign?


  1. You just overlooked it. Ask Frank, it’s the EG&A of the USMC. Now that I think about it, it is probably more of a peace sign since it has a tendency to end fighting shortly after it shows up.

  2. How about a hippy’s head on a spear? Or a soldier standing on a hippy’s head, which happens to be on a spear? Or maybe something less gruesome like a hippy’s head on several spears, but all the blood will be changed to green?

  3. We have heraldry. The whole point of which is to show off how cool you are in the middle of battle.
    For example…
    Middle age pesant farmer bowman: Forsooth, younder knight hath like twenty le flours on hith crest. Prey tell what doth that mean?
    Other farmer bowman:
    He hath smote many followers of the mad monk Kosputan. Surely he hath much virtue.

  4. I second the Nuke the Moon logo. I’m wearing my NTM shirt right now at work. And my boss has already left so I unbuttoned my dress shier like superman to trveal the NTM logo.
    It is cool, it has an explosion.

  5. Keep it simple.
    Three fingers up, making a “W” for War.
    It’s also versatile. You can quickly fold down the third finger to make time with a hippy chick, if you like that sort of thing and have all your shots, or fold down two fingers to salute the Code Pink crowd marching by.

  6. “You can quickly fold down the third finger to make time with a hippy chick”
    I hope that’s a freshly minted hippy chick you want to “make time” with. Age, neglect, drugs, poor hygiene, screeching advocacy, and sheer mindless stupidity all quickly take a toll for hippy chicks.

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