You and Your Diary Are Next, Anne Frank!

This website is now number five for a Google search of “Frank.” Soon, I’ll be the most popular Frank in all the internets, and the world will be mine!


  1. Frank, can I be frank? Wait a minute, I am Frank. Are you hiding from the Nazis? I don’t think so. Are you keeping a diary. I don’t think so. The nazis are so way scarier than the liberals. Gosh, you have it so easy, oh my god! It’s just not fair, boo hoo hoo!

  2. I thought the meek were going to inherit the earth Frank. I hope this whole meek thing with Jesus doesn’t mess up your plans. Good luck, I think you know we are all pulling for you. To hell with the meek anway, someone will just take the earth back from them when they inherit it anyway. They’re the meek for god’ sake.

  3. You don’t seem to understand, Frank…
    Anne Frank is dead… so that makes this not “Mortal Kombat” but IMmortal Kombat.
    Are you immortal?
    ’cause, of the people you’ve got to beat, two are verifiably dead. I’m not really sure you can beat a dead person. Unless you die? Or… get bitten by a vampire? But then you can’t go out during the day. Or you could try getting bitten by a supernatural bug of some sort, which would give you powers to defeat death!
    …which would mean you could bring BACK the dead, to kill them again! I see the plan now.
    Sorry to question your greatness.

  4. I got google desktop installed and maybe it weights my results on the internet with whats in my cache (or something like that) yeah i ticked an option that was something like that

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