You Don’t Know Joe!

Why is poor Joe Lieberman getting so much grief? Well, in the interests of keeping the Democratic Party from being completely overrun with nuts, IMAO is going to do the unprecedented and try and help a Democrat.
I think some of the problem people may have with Joe Lieberman is they just don’t know how kick-ass he is. So, I present:
10. When angered, he can rip a Buick in two.
9. If Al Gore was elected in 2000, he planned to then beat Gore to death with a hammer and assume presidency within minutes of Gore’s inauguration.
8. He once broke a filibuster with a roundhouse kick to the face.
7. He’s not a Christian, but instead is the member of a religion even more ancient.
6. On three occassion he has bitch-slapped Senator Hillary Clinton for being too uppity.
5. If he’s gathered enough Joe-mentum, not even a nuclear blast can stop him.
4. At night, he assumes the identity of “Samurai Jew” and kills drugdealers with a ceremonial Jewish katana.
3. He once ate ten Big Macs in a single sitting. Serious!
2. The movie character “Shaft” is based on him.
And the number one thing you probably don’t know about Joe Lieberman…

He’s your real father.


  1. //7. He’s not a Christian, but instead is the member of a religion even more ancient.//
    That makes him either the high priest of Ba’al, a zealot of Cthulhu, or a denizen of Lovitar.

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