How did United claw its way out of bankruptcy?

By cutting back on maintenance of course.

As more than 200 Denver- bound United Airlines passengers waited to board Flight 909 from Chicago on Monday, it became apparent that something was wrong.
The Boeing 777, parked at the gate at O’Hare International Airport, was extremely hot. As in 115 degrees. The plane’s auxiliary power unit, which generates electricity when engines are shut down at the gate, was broken. That killed the air conditioning and triggered a five-hour ordeal for passengers and crew.
All other flights to Denver were booked. United tried to find a replacement plane, but none was available.
United officials had a dilemma: Figure out how to cool the plane in near 100-degree heat, then board the passengers and send them to Denver; or buy them hotel rooms in Chicago.
They chose the first option.

As the knight said in the third Indiana Jones movie, they chose poorly.
Now, this incident alone might make you think United Airlines was just a bunch of cold-hearted bastards looking to make q uick buck off of the suckers unlucky enough to have Priceline put their asses in United seats, but the truth is that every airline is running a passenger torture promotion of one sort of another:

  • Southwest Airlines has implemented a new policy, replacing beverage service with a punch in the face. Alcoholic beverages will be available for a slight fee, but they come with two punches in the face.
  • Delta Airlines runs a lottery on flights 2 hours or longer where the winner is stuffed into a bathroom with 100 live rats.
  • Olympic Airlines makes you sit next to a smelly Greek. (Oh, wait… they’ve always done that.)
  • American Airlines has ordered all pilots to scream nonstop during bad weather conditions. When they’re drunk, they take turns playing the Arab with the boxcutter.
  • JetBlue has cut back unionized staff, using prisoners as cabin attendants. But don’t worry… prisoners can’t fashion deadly weapons from ordinary objects, can they?
  • You don’t want the Kosher meals from Northwest. Trust me on this.
  • Continental still provides pillows and blankets. Of course, what’s to stop them from smothering you with them in your sleep?
  • TWA hasn’t actually resumed operations, but they will occasionally roll a plane up to a gate, take on passengers, and then run up and down the aisle with a baseball bat taking swings at anyone asking to deplane.
  • El Al’s Complaints Department responds with “Without us, you’d be riding in boxcars to your deaths! Be grateful all we did was lose your luggage!”

In My World: No Respect and Too Many Nukes

Chomps seemed to smell something in the air that made him excited.
“I smell it too, boy,” Rumsfeld told the rottweiler. “That’s the smell of war brewing. If things continue as they are in the Middle East, we will soon be in a new World War, and all our enemies will suffer. Then maybe I can complete my goal as Secretary of War and conquer all of Europe.”
“What are you doing?!” Bush exclaimed.
Rumsfeld set down a nuclear warhead. “We’re moving the nukes around in case of more war.”
“Don’t put them in the White House dining room! Laura will kill me!” Bush’s cell phone rang. “It’s Condi; I have to take this.” He answered the phone. “What’s up?”
“I can’t stand it out here in the Middle East!”
“Well, there’s lots of conflict now with Hezbollah and what not, so we need you out there… talking to people or something. Honestly, I don’t know what the Secretary of State does; that’s why I didn’t get that job.”
“I have to talk with all these Islamic idiots out here, that’s what I have to do! And guess what: they don’t like women. Not too fond of black people either.”
“Just do your best to keep your temper and not try and stab one of them in the eye with a fork again.”
“It was the heat,” Condi explained. “Made me sluggish; that’s why I missed.”
“You’re missing my point. You try that diplomacy thing… the variety without the eye-stabbing.”
“You’re not the boss of me!” Condi hung up.
Bush put his phone away and turned to Rumsfeld. “I really am not getting much respect lately.”
Rumsfeld put a warhead on the dining table, knocking off some silverware. “My job is much easier if you don’t talk to me.”
“I guess I’ll head to my office to do some work.” A thought stuck him. “Or maybe Celebrity Poker is on!”
Bush headed down the hallway and ran into Senator Joe Lieberman. “Hey! It’s my favorite Senator!”
“About that; I was wondering if you could publicly denounce me.”
Bush was confused. “Why would I do that? I love you Joe!”
“Well, it would help in the Democratic primary if you spoke out against me.”
Bush was even more confused. “When did you become a Democrat?”
“I’ve always been a Democrat. Don’t you remember me and Gore running against you in 2000?”
Bush thought for a moment. “What gored you in 2000?”
“Forget it. Just please publicly denounce me. It will be a big help.”
“Whatever you say, Joe my buddy. Hey! I got an idea! I could say you molested my daughters!”
“Uh… how about something a little less extreme.”
“Okay; whatever you want, Joe. You’re my best friend in the Senate. Why, if I were gay and I could get the laws changed, I would marry you. I don’t think my father and I would ever see eye to eye on it, but eventually…”
“Uh… yeah… nice talking to you, Mr. President.” Lieberman gave Bush one last odd glance before turning and quickly walking away.
“What a nice fella.” Bush turned to see Laura standing behind him, staring at him angrily.
“There are nukes all over the dining room!”
“It was Rumsfeld! Go yell at him!”
Laura glared at Bush until he began to cower. “Rumsfeld is old, crazy, and warmongering; you’re supposed to keep an eye on him. I want you to personally put all those nukes back where they belong!”
“The linen closet?”
“No! The nuke bin in the garage! And move them soon; Rumsfeld’s dog is chewing on one of them, and the radiation poisoning could cause him to vomit. Then there will be another thing for you to clean up.”
“Okay.” Bush headed back for the dining room. On his way, he caught sight of a TV.
“There has been another deadly attack in the Middle East leaving at least six injured,” the anchorman said. “The suspect for the attack has been described as ‘Bush’s crazy black woman’ and is said to be armed with some sort of eating utensil.”
“How come I get the feeling this isn’t going to reflect well on my administration,” Bush muttered to himself. He then noticed a group of school children touring the White House. “Hey, I wonder if any of them want nukes?”

Another Person Missing the Big Picture

So Red Sox third baseman Mike Lowell goes on and on about how Castro killed members of his family, oppresses people, and is evil, but Lowell doesn’t once mention Cuba’s free healthcare. Come on; have some perspective!

Israel’s Top Secret War Plans – Revealed!

(A Precision Guided Humor Assignment)
Figured I should follow the lead of the New York Times and start revealing Israel’s covert ops, since it’s the hip & trendy thing to do when a nation battles terrorists:

  • Use uncircumsized bullets – the full metal foreskin provides extra stopping-power.
  • Secretly plant an anti-Semitic parrot in Mel Gibson’s house to make him look bad.
  • Refer to the terrorists as “tar babies“. If they get offended, apologize by saying “We’re sorry if our thick Israeli accents made you cry-babies misunderstand what we said.”
  • Use the Force.
  • Develop new head-exploding sonic weapon that transmits a focused beam of Fran Drescher’s hideous voice.
  • Refuse to negotiate for the release of hostages, but hint that they might be willing to haggle a bit.
  • Institute policy of deliberately targeting innocent Lebanese civilians who get paid by Hezbollah to fire rockets into Israel.
  • Have IDF stop toying with the terrorists and switch their swords to their right hands.
  • Threaten terrorists with ICBM’s (Intercontinental Ballistic Mohels)
  • As Arabs try to push Israel into the sea, back up real quick and laugh when they fall on their faces.
  • Feed Popeye some spinach and tell him Bluto is holding Olive Oyl prisoner in Lebanon.
  • Kill terrorists 9 at a time with Ginsu Menorah.
  • Get Kos to pick the terrorists to win.

By the way, revealing these secrets does NOT make me a terrorist supporter. I just think the terrorists have “a right to know”.
…how they’re going to die.

Launch Every Digg for Great Justice!

Michelle Malkin has a post up about the muckadoos at Digg trying to censor her posts – either getting them banned from Digg entirely or working together to mark down any right-wing posts on Digg. Also, since submissions to Digg get comments, you get to see the return of vulgar slurs directed at Malkin! Yay!
I’m not sure this is a battle conservatives can win, as the battle will go to who has the most spare time to waste marking down post they don’t like and comments that don’t correspond with group think (comments with low rating get hid from most users). This is what I’ve come to expect from the moonbats on the internets, but it’s still a bit disconcerting how many of them are so quick to jump on the censorship bandwagon without a second thought.
Still, since it involves reaching a larger audience and thus increasing my traffic and riches, I’m for fighting! I encourage all of you to join Digg and help me and Malkin and other conservatives (but especially me).
Be honorable, ronin.

Polly Want a Swastika?

I’ve been very disappointed in what I’ve heard about Mel Gibson and his crazy ranting after being caught drunk driving. In retrospect, I guess it shouldn’t be that surprising. You see, back when people were charging Gibson with being an anti-Semite when The Passion of the Christ came out, Gibson invited me over to his mansion. He, like many people, didn’t want the poison pen of IMAO to turn against him, so he asked for a face to face with me to convince everyone he doesn’t hate Jews.
We had a nice little chat, but then Mel Gibson got an important phone call and had to excuse himself for a few minutes. While waiting for him to get back, I noticed he had a parrot in a cage sitting nearby. Bored, I turned to the parrot and said, “Hello!”

Continue reading ‘Polly Want a Swastika?’ »

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) The Big Scoop is the name of Springfield’s newspaper
2) Why did the Simpsons go to New York City?
3) Where was the REAL Seymour Skinner all these years?
4) What is Chief Wiggum’s wife’s name?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.