IMAO EXCLUSIVE: Disney World Hit by Israeli Bombs!

The Israeli campaign against Hezbollah has gotten out of control, and IMAO is here to show you what the Zionist-controlled media is trying to cover-up. You’ve seen the devestation done to Beirut (here and here), but what you don’t know is that today Israel got so zealous with it bombing of Hezbollah that they overshot Lebanon and hit Orlando, Florida, smack in the center of the Magic Kingdom at Disney World. SarahK and I happened to be there today, and SarahK snapped this photo of me in front of the carnage:

You may wonder how I can remain so calm in the face of a small world becoming even smaller. Well, it’s simple: it’s because of my steely resolve to bring you the truth.
You may also wonder why I waited until now to post this photo. Well, it’s just you have to connect the camera to the computer, upload the photo to the blog, and write the post… and I just wanted to play video games this weekend, ya know? Plus, SarahK kept making me clean. What did she think I got a wife for?
I’ll post more information as I get it… or until the Zionists shut me down.
Cadet Happy says this picture is a fake and has an animated GIF as “proof”; well, maybe I touched the photo up a bit… but that’s all!
His claims of the “original source photo” is a complete lie, though.
A picture kill has been issued.

“Never Apologize for Being an American”

LTC Randolph C. White Jr. in his graduation speech at Ft. Benning, Georgia, says it as it is and has a few choice words for the latte-sipping, blame America first crowd. If only the President spoke like this; it’s like one big verbal punch to a liberal’s dumb monkey face. A must see from Blackfive.

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) Who is the Safety Inspector at the nuclear power plant?
2) Who gets jobs playing Santa for extra bucks at Christmas?
3) What did Bart’s Christmas-time tattoo say?
4) Spell the word Bart tries to pass off in Scrabble as meaning a “big, dumb, balding, North American ape with no chin”
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.