What’s wrong with this picture?

The bloggers are all over this one. Here’s another picture from Reuters Photographer Adnan Hajj.
Something’s not quite right about it. Hmm.
I need your help on this one folks. Help the bloggers at IMAO figure out what’s wrong with this picture.
BTW, click here for a bit more context at Drinking At Home

Fun Facts About New Hampshire

The IMAO Podcast is still on hiatus, but I have an irresistable urge to finish up the rest of the states in the Fun Facts About The 50 States series, so I’m going to forge ahead – hopefully on a weekly schedule.
Should the podcast return, this is the list from which I’ll pick & choose my favorite items to record.
(continued in extended entry…)

Continue reading ‘Fun Facts About New Hampshire’ »

Fool Done Broke My Hammer

I thought I’d post this, because I would like some legal advice.
Now, the other day, I was outside minding my own business and working on my house. Then comes some chap and he come up to me and he starts talking crazy fool things about Jews and the religious-right and that America is fascist and that our soldiers are the real terrorists. Don’t remember the exact details about what he said – you all know the type of foolishness – but I do remember what happened next.
I hit that fool square in the head with my hammer.
Yep, hit him so hard the hammer done broke. Had to buy a new hammer… which put me out ten dollars. Now, this fool, as big as a fool as he was, he saw I had that hammer in my hand when he come speak to me, so he had to know what was gonna happen next.
So, plain fact is the hammer is broke and he’s to blame.
I tell him this and say I want the ten dollars I had to pay to buy myself a new hammer of decent quality. He shakes his head “No.” I ask him why he won’t pay, but I don’t understand the answer since he no longer speak so well. Anyway, I threaten to bring him to court to get my ten dollars, and that’s what I ask your advice for. And that’s what I want: your advice. I’m not looking for sympathy here. Ten dollars won’t make me or break me, but I’ll sure be mad just the same to have to lose it to such foolishness.
All in all, it’s pretty simple: fool done broke my hammer and now he owes me ten dollars.

Hannity & Chimp

Dennis Miller returns to television, courtesy of Fox News:

Comedian and actor Dennis Miller is joining Fox News as a contributor to “Hannity & Colmes” this autumn, according to a network executive. Miller, who did a stint on “Hannity & Colmes” in 2003 and then had his own eponymous show on CNBC, will begin weighing in on news and politics beginning Sept. 13. He also will provide commentary on the Fox News Web site.

Will he bring Ellie The Chimp with him from CNBC, or will Sean Hannity just let him use Alan Colmes?

Today’s Gibson Trivia


1) According to Mel Gibson, who is responsible for all the wars in the world?
a) Booze
b) Shoes
c) Blue’s Clues
d) Muckadoos
e) New Zoo Revues
f) Kalamazoos
g) Tom Cruise
h) Bird flus
i) Chimney flues
j) Primordial ooze
k) Tea for twos
l) CBS Evening News
m) Kangaroos
n) Heads I win, tails you lose
o) Muumuus
p) Stinkypoos
q) Clever ruse
r) Runaround Sues
s) Jews
u) Any of the above, depending on his blood alcohol level at the time
Official Trivia Card answer in the comments tomorrow.

Announcing: The Rightwing Rolling Respiration Reduction

A rolling hunger strike is being put on by the Liberal Elites and Mother Moonbat. We on the Right (or those that simply think the rolling hunger strike is amazingly and supremely dumb) need to put up a response in kind. In other words, protest in an utterly meaningless and symbolic manner which will not overly inconvenience anyone involved. And it will mock them. Oh yes, it will mock them
Maybe you’ve deciphered the post title or maybe you haven’t, but the thrust of this protest is this: We will hold our BREATH. More daring than a hunger strike? You bet Cindy Sheehan’s expanding waistline it is! Why, it can takes weeks, WEEKS, to starve to death (though not the way they are doing it) but holding your breath will give way more immediate results (just, well, not the way we will do it).
We will hold our breath in turns until we get what we want. And what do we want? I’ll tell you what we want.
We want, something. Furthermore we want, nay, DEMAND something to be DONE about… something. It doesn’t really matter what it is, but something has to be done.
But we want it, oh brother do we want it, we demand it and WE ARE GOING TO HOLD OUR BREATH (in turn) TILL WE GET IT! Whatever IT happens to be.
Of course, we shouldn’t hold our breath while we’re sleeping (I can’t be responsible for people with sleep apnea), so the hours between 10 PM and 8 AM Eastern time will not be included. But for the rest of the day, every day somebody on the right should be holding their breath.
While we’re awake, we CAN hold our breath in turns for a minute apiece. I know we can do it. And when someone who is resposible for doing the aforementioned SOMETHING, sees us not breathing and yet not quite turning red, they’ll bend to our wishes, whatever they are.
Sweeping social movements like this need a catchy title so how does The Rightwing Rolling Respiration Reduction, sound?
Shortened to “R4 – No O2!”
“We’ll hold our breath till we get our way!
Even if it’s just for a minute a day!”
I’ll be more than willing to take the first watch.
More to follow… you might even hold your breath till it arrives.
* Update: More Shehanigans

Giving Islam a Bad Name

A lot of people have suggested that perhaps the religion of Islam is at fault for all the terrorism, murder, and hatred that has come out of the Middle East. I think that’s painting things with too broad a brush, though. Now, while Islam is a common theme among the terrorists and murderers in the Middle East, I noticed something else similar. Of all the terrorists willing to kill themselves to kill innocent civilians, of all the families that cheered when a female member was murdered by her own brother for being raped, and all those obsessed with death in the Middle East, they were all Muslims.
That’s right; you can look it up. The problem with Islam seems to be Muslims. Now, I’m not sure in regards to the timeline if the rise of Islam in terrorism correlates directly to the increase of Muslims in the Islamic religion, but there certainly seems to be some correlation Islamic terrorism and Muslims that should be further investigated. Maybe it’s time Islam purge itself of Muslims and start to regain some stature in the world.

A Kiss to build a dream on

Apparently, Kiss fans take their fandom way too seriously:

About 200 Kiss fans protested in front of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum to demand that the band be inducted into the hall.
Fans, some from as far away as California, carried signs Saturday and had painted their faces in black-and-white to resemble Kiss band members.
Those participating in the half-hour demonstration were upset that the band, formed more than 30 years ago, has not been admitted, even though it has been eligible since the late 1990s.

If the selection committee caves in to this strong-arm tactic from militant groups like the Kiss Army, it’s only a matter of time before The Al Jarreau Martyrs Brigade and the Yusuf Islam Jihad threaten their own terrorist actions against the museum.
Besides, what has Kiss really given to the world of Rock And Roll besides ludicrous makeup? You don’t see Tammy Faye Bakker Messner being inducted into the Rock Hall Of Fame, do you?

I’m My Favorite Person on the Right

Following up the list of least favorite people on the right, John Hawkins has a list of favorite people on the right.
There is some overlap.

PICTURE KILL: Disney World Bombed Photo Used Photo-Editing Software


The photo of Disney World being bombed that was issued over the weekend has been revealed to have been manipulated with photo-editing software. We are thus asking all blogs to cease and desist from using the aforementioned photo.
We are sorry for the inconvenience and hope to prevent this from happening again in the future. Preliminary investigations have revealed that I had a blood-alcohol level of 0.12 at the time the photo was posted. Since it’s common for people to photoshop pictures to further anti-Semitic ends when legally drunk, there are no plans to fire myself… despite this being yet another incident in a long series of ethical lapses.

Are You Threatening Me?!

Look at this e-mail I got:


We mailed you several times, but you didn’t bother to reply.
Please note that there is a spam post in your following pages mentioning our site.


Please delete the entire comment, otherwise we will have to take legal steps against you.

Webmaster, [link]

So I search my e-mails and find one other from them:


We, at [link], contacted you many times regarding our link to our website, but got no reply from your end.

Please note that we found a spam posting in your following page where our site’s link has been given:


Some ‘Nick Jonson’ did the posting, please check and delete it at the earliest. Sometimes we surprise how you are continuing with such spam posts for somany days!

Please delete the post, please don’t provoke us to take any legal steps.

Awaiting for your earliest action.

Webmaster, [link]

Wha?! Legal action against what? Some guy was spamming my comments – apparently on their behalf – and they’re going to sue me under… what statute? Sue me for having a link to them that I didn’t even write? What the hell is this?
I mean, I could delete it, but I demand to be asked nicely. It’s not like I like spam, but, as soon as it hits my website, it’s my spam, and I can do with it as I please.

Fun Trivia

What happens if Mel Gibson’s blood alcohol level gets to 0.18?

Continue reading ‘Fun Trivia’ »

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) The Simpsons do commercials for what real-life candy bar?
2) What is Homer’s half-brother’s name?
3) Who is movie hero McBain’s sidekick?
4) What pet of Kent Brockman’s once bit Ted Kennedy?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.