News Round Up – Wednesday

I’m RightWingDuck, and I’m here to share the news.
Former President Ford has been admitted to the Mayo clinic. Nobody knows why, really. None of Ford’s people are sharing any information. Reporters are a bit miffed I tell you. They’re not used to dealing with former presidents who can keep their mouths shut.
Reporters asked President Bush about how he felt about Mr. Ford being admitted to the Mayo clinic. He responded: “I’ve long believed in the healing capabilities of Mayo — and Mustard.”
Here in California the Governator is in trouble. Really. Local Muslim groups were offended that he went to some pro-Israel rallies. He never attended any of the Muslim events.
The bad news for Arnold? They’re so mad that they’re threatening to help his opponent Phil Angelides.
The strange part is they’re offering to give him 1,000 cell phones.
I’m sure you’ve heard about that. Three kids were busted with over 1,000 cell phones in their van. I guess that makes giving out your phone number much easier.

Kid: “Yeah. Call me, dude. My number is 555 — um — just dial any four numbers after 555, I’ll get the call.”

It’s a great idea. Really. Until the phone rings.
Dell is in the news lately. It seems that certain laptop models have batteries that catch on fire. Dell hasn’t seen anything like this since they introduced their New Jersey Edition which not only caught on fire but also featured a lack of eyewitnesses. Oddly, it was the only laptop they offered that came with insurance.
Wal-Mart is reporting that they will have lower earnings. This is understandable. Labor is getting harder to find and more expensive now that many of their overseas employees are going back to Kindergarten.
Also, for some reason, sales are down for cell phones.
Some Mexican fishermen were found after having been missing for 9 months and presumed dead. Isn’t that awesome?
They survived by drinking rain water and eating birds and fish.
The good news is that they were found by some Taiwanese fisherman and are doing well. The bad news is that they have a touch of the bird flu.
Wanna hear something really funny? When the Taiwanese workers came up on deck and saw the three Mexicans they yelled, “Damn, where did all these illegals come from?”
The skies aren’t any safer than the water, believe me.
A United Airlines flight had an incident where a woman freaked out. Turns out she had claustrophobia. That’s what you need on a flight, somebody who desperately needs to get out.
All these airline restrictions are wild. It’s a stressful time to fly. People wanting to blow up airplanes, freaked out passengers, crazy “youths” trying to sneak in liquid explosives.
I’m not saying that restrictions on flights are tight, but just the other day they caught an airline pilot sneaking in some powdered Jack Daniels.
In Arizona, they have a brand new state of the art football field. The field is on a tray and it retracts in and out of the stadium so that the grass can get rain and sunshine.
The field takes 1 hour to retract into the building. One hour to move 100 yards?
NFL officials say this is the first time the field covers more ground than the football team.

Until Tomorrow…

Newly Discovered – Hezbollah Checklist!

Charles Johnson, over at Little Green Footballs has a great post on one of the AP Reporters and his blog.
This reminds me – IMAO was able to use one of its many Fake But Accurate news sources to secure a key Hezbollah document.
Check this out.
to do list.JPG

Many Vicious Eager Marines Can Just Shoot Up Nasty Palestinians Chanting… uh… 2003 UB313

Or something.
I never actually needed a mnemonic device for the planets, but, if they change things up…

In My World: Results You Can Stand On

“As you all know,” Bush told the press assembled on the White House lawn, “Terrorists are trying to use explosive liquids to kill people. Thus, for security purposes, it is required that all you reporter empty your bladders before meeting with me for questions. If any of you are caught peeing during this press conference, this guy over here will shoot you.” Bush pointed to a nearby Marine.
“I’m Buck the Marine and I kill terrorists.”
“You tell ’em, Buck!”
“Mr. President,” said one reporter, “why are you standing on a pile of dead terrorists? Is that supposed to be symbolic of something?”
“Yes, it’s symbolic of how my administration has killed many many terrorists and will kill many more. I want terrorists to know that we will kill them, and then I’ll stand on your dead body and answer questions from moron reporters. That’s right, with me, you get results… results we can stand on. Thus, Republicans tower over Democrats because we look down upon from our large piles of dead terrorists while Democrats have no dead terrorists to stand on. Hell, them Democrats never killed nobody. But look under my feet; these people are dead because of my policies. That’s results. It may not smell nice, but hardwork isn’t always pretty.”
“Why isn’t the pile larger?” asked the FOX News reporter.
“Well… it ain’t like it’s all the terrorists we killed… it just symbolic of how many we killed.” Bush turned stern. “Now stop being so critical, FOX News. You just recite the talking points we send you each day and then we’ll lend you our dead terrorists for those fluff pieces you do. Next question.”
“With the growing price of gas–”
“Why are you asking me about gas prices!” Bush asked angrily. “Can’t you see I’m standing on top of a pile of dead terrorists? I am mighty! Ask me good questions about killing terrorists!”
“Are you worried that standing on a pile of dead terrorists could be interrepted by some as being offensive to Muslims?”
“Well, this organization CAIR raised that concern… but then I found out that those guys are Islamic and had them arrested for being fascists. Any more questions? And remember to speak up because I’m way up here on top of a pile of dead terrorists.”
“Are you going to support the Republican candidate in the Senate race in Connetticut?”
“Why are you asking about Conetticut?” Bush shouted. “Are you not noticing this huge pile of terrorists I’m standing on? Who cares about Conetticut? Americans care about dead terrorists. Now, some one give me a good question.”
“How are you going to get all those dead bodies off the White House lawn?”
Bush was silent for a moment. “Hadn’t really thought about that. Well, the bodies should all decompose, so I guess the problem will take care of itself. Anyway, I want to show you this cool new thing that should lead to even more piles of dead terrorists.”
A fierce looking robot marched out from behind the pile of dead terrorists. It held its hands up in a threatening manner.
“People are worried about discrimination in trying to find terrorists at airports,” Bush continued, “but a robot can’t be unfairly prejudiced because it’s got circuits and electricty for a brain. Thus, we’ve made robots that will patrol the airports, identify terrorists and terrorist supporters, and crush their heads with its mighty robot steel hands.”
“But won’t this–” a New York Times reporter started to say but then had his head crushed by the robot.
“I should note that there are many different definitions of terrorists,” Bush said. “This robot was programmed by Condi, so it will… and there goes the head of a Reuters reporter. Anyway, as I look down upon you all from my pile of dead terrorists while you tremble in fear of my head-crushing robot, it brings me hope for a great American future. I hope it brings all those watching hope as well. To further that hope, I want to introduce yet another weapon against terror: Drunken Rumsfeld!”
A bleary Rumsfeld stumbled out onto the lawn.
“The terrorists may have their deadly liquids, but no liquid is more deadly than whiskey when applied to Donald Rumsfeld. He’s now a mindless killing machine!”
Rumsfeld’s stared at the press.
“Aieeee!” one reporter screamed. “He has murder in his eyes!”
“Rarr!” Rumsfeld yelled as he chased the reporters.
“I guess that ends the press conference,” Bush laughed to himself. He then looked for a way down from his pile of dead terrorists. “Uh… a little help here.” No one answered. “Hello? Anybody around?” Still no answer. “Head-crushing robot, could you get me down without crushing me?”
The robot just stared at Bush with its cold, lifeless eyes.
“I guess I’ll just wait up here then.”

Home. Run.

Okay, so maybe my comics aren’t the funniest things out there.. but this is.
Excellent work by Scott Stantis

Happy Deathday Elvis… or is it Lance Berkman?

In honor of the 29th anniversary of Elvis’ death, I’m going to challenge you to see if you can tell the difference between Elvis Presley and Houston Astros First Baseman Lance Berkman.
Ready? Here we go!

Continue reading ‘Happy Deathday Elvis… or is it Lance Berkman?’ »

Computer tip: Stop, drop, and roll.

Context Here


Q: When Senator George Allen called his opponent Jim Webb a Macaca (a type of Rhesus monkey), was he being racist?

Continue reading ‘Monkeys’ »

Eye on the Prize

So what are you doing today to help kill terrorists?
I’m writing a blog post to remind people to focus on killing terrorists.
UPDATE: Also, I’m writing an In My World™ on killing terrorists.

Reuters News Flash!

(A Precision Guided Humor Assignment)

After yet another vicious, unprovoked Israeli attack, the victims…” Oh, come ON, Reuters! You’re not even trying anymore!

Motivating the Troops in Afghanistan

“No, seriously, they were THIS freakin’ big!… So – to answer your question – besides freedom, you are also fighting for advanced breast implant technology.”
[Hat tip to CENTCOM for the pic]

Today’s Simpsons Trivia


1) (T/F) The Simpsons cat is named Snowball I
2) Who is Abe Simpson’s favorite TV hero?
3) What is the name of Springfield’s minor-league baseball team?
4) A real-life replica of the Simpsons house is located in the suburb of what US city?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.
Bonus question:
5) Do the Simpsons support killing the @#$%ers?