Glenn Reynolds: The Interview

(A Filthy Lie)
Since Instapundit recently celebrated his 5th blogiversay, I thought it would be a good time to conduct an interview with Glenn Reynolds, so as to separate man from myth with this legendary blogger.
Unfortunately, Glenn had neither the time nor the inclination to answer my questions, so I put a pair of glasses on a teddy bear, sat him on a blankie, queried him at length, and used one of the many voices in my head to supply the answers.
glenn bear.jpg
Figured it wouldn’t be TOO different from the real thing.

HARVEY: Thanks for agreeing to do this. First, I can’t help noticing that you use the word “heh” a lot. Now, as the Dark Overlord of the Blogosphere, wouldn’t it be better to have a more sinister laugh, like “MUAHAHAHAHAHA!” or something? I mean, “heh” just seems kind of effeminate.
GLENN: Not true. Some of the evilest people in the world use “heh”. For example, terrorists frequently say “Allah Akbar!” before blowing up school buses full of kids, which actually means “heh” in whatever monkey-jabber language it is they speak.
HARVEY: Why is your blog named “Instapundit”?
GLENN: Simple linguistics – “insta” means “really fast”, “pun” is something that’s funny in a pathetic sort of way, and “dit” is the spoken representation of the dot – the shorter of the two signals used in telegraph code. So – short, fast, funny, pathetic… all words women have used to describe my performance. I just sort of combined them.
HARVEY: What blogs do you read regularly?
GLENN: Including Instapundit?
GLENN: Just Ann Althouse.
HARVEY: You DON’T read Instapundit?
GLENN: READ it? I don’t even proofread it! That blog is just the result of Thunderbird-addled baboons poking randomly at keyboards & hitting the “I’m Feeling Lucky” button on Google. Then I have a mildly retarded parrot add a link to whatever pops up.
HARVEY: So it’s a lot like a Kos “Open Thread” post?
GLENN: Yes, but with slightly less frothing Bush-hatred, and better spelling.
HARVEY: What made you decide to go to law school?
GLENN: Daily beatings from my parents.
HARVEY: You were a victim of child abuse?
GLENN: Victim? NO!… the beatings were a reward. I like that sort of thing. Doesn’t everybody?
HARVEY: So… when you punched Frank J. that one time…
GLENN: Right. I was telling him to keep up the great blogging work. The boy’s got talent. Unlike YOU, who I wouldn’t even poke in the eye with a sharp stick.
HARVEY: Are you planning a sequel to your runaway best-seller “An Army of Davids”?
GLENN: Yes, this September, I’ll be releasing “An Army of Destructo-bots: How Killer Robots Empower Ordinary Evil Overlords to Beat Any Rag-Tag Army of Misfits Those Pathetic Davids Can Raise”. By the way, if you haven’t already, you should buy my book. I need money. Those Destructo-bots aren’t going to build themselves.
HARVEY: Why should people help you to enslave the human race?
GLENN: If you buy “An Army of Davids”, you get a free coupon for a swift and merciful death. Everyone else has to listen to a Glenn & Helen Podcast as the Destructo-bot slowly crushes the life out of their bodies. MUAHAHA… I mean… heh.
HARVEY: Ok… well… that wraps up this interview. I’m gonna go run out and buy me a copy of that “Armada of Duckies” thing so that your shrieky, pteradactyl-like voice isn’t the last sound I hear. Thank you for your time, Mr. Reynolds, and keep up the great blogging work.
GLENN: Thanks… um… aren’t you going to punch me now?
HARVEY: Sorry. I’m saving it for Frank J…. besides, I wouldn’t hit a bear with glasses.

So… would YOU have punched the bear?

The Round Up – Friday

Hi folks,
As you know, I live in LA. Some people think it’s dangerous, mostly because they’re afraid the police might attack them. That’s not true. Turns out that they’re just as likely to attack each other!!!
Funny. As they looked at the numbers they realized there were just as many officers shot by other officers as there were who were shot by criminals.
LA is hoping they can tone down the cop on cop shooting. Maybe we can convince them to start by writing each other tickets, or letting each other off with a warning.
It’s gotten so bad that the police have a new term — Driving While Police Officer.
They also have a new locker room slogan: Just for today, I will not shoot anybody.
Country singer Troy Lee Gentry is in trouble with the law for killing a tame bear and then claiming he killed it in the wild.
They suspect he filmed the thing on video and edited to look like he was on a real hunt. Here are some tips for editing. When you show the bear, and some damaged trees and dead animals – that swath of destruction makes for good video.
Bad video is when you film the bear, and right next to him you can still see the bear’s little tricycle.
Troy Gentry is part of Montgomery Gentry, a singing duo with country hits such as If You Ever Stop Loving Me, My Town, , and I’m Coming to Your House to Shoot Your Hamster.
A judge in Ohio has ruled that two teens can finish out their football seasons before having to serve their jail time. The teens will be doing time for setting up a deer decoy in the middle of the road. The prank led to people being severely injured.
Judge said “I shouldn’t be doing this, but I’m going to. I see positive things about participating in football,”
Football doing positive things? I don’t know. It didn’t seem to HELP THEM BEFORE!!!
But maybe a couple of extra games is what they need to really get back on the right track.
This judge is only gonna confuse other people in his court.

Judge: I order you to serve two months as a wide receiver!
Defendant: (pumping fist) Yes!! I LOVE football.
Judge: Who said anything about football?

So the quarterback and his teammate are back with the Wildcats and getting ready for their next game against Sandusky Bears.
Sadly, their game against the bears this Friday was cancelled.
They too were killed by country singers.

Continue reading ‘The Round Up – Friday’ »

IMAO Site Zooming now?

Is the IMAO site (where you are, right this minute) loading a lot faster today or is it just my imagination?

Joy To The Fishes?

You know that Three Dog Night song “Joy To The World” ?
Joy to the world
All the boys and girls now
Joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea
Joy to you and me

How can you tell if a fish is joyful?
I guess the question I should ask is how stoned do you have to be to be concerned if a fish is joyful?
“Hey, man, joy to the fishes.”
“Pull over, Leroy. I think I ought to drive.”
“No, really. Joy to the fishes.”
“What, you’re Vegan now? I don’t care. We’re still going to Red Lobster. Now shut up!”
“I’m tryin to tell you – joy to the fishes.”
“Just sit tight, Leroy. We’re just a few minutes from the hospital.”
Then there’s the bit about If I were the king of the world.”I
I’d be very concerned if the King Of The World were worried whether fish were joyful.
Although, to tell you the truth, it would be a vast improvement on old Wahab thugs like King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia.

Friday Catblogging

Since it’s Friday, I thought I’d spread the joy of humor-free, apolitical Friday Catblogging to IMAO (aka “I-MEOW”).
Have you told me what you want? What you really, really want? Well, we’re all out of that zigga-zig-zoom. Spacemonkey ate it all. So I’m stuck with this peddling this crap.
Anyway, it’s time for Frisky the Beloved:

If you’re not sure how this absurd scene pertains to IMAO, since IMAO is famous for that “political humor” thing, it doesn’t. If you must have some semblance of politics or humor in everything you read here, just assume that Edloe is… um…
Help me out here. Make your suggestions in the comments how this scene is, in fact, a political allegory.

You can find more examples of Friday catblogging by searching a blog search engine such as Technorati for “catblogging.”
You can also find a roundup of catblogging posts at The Friday Ark, located at The Modulator blog.
Then, when the weekend is nearly over, head over to The Carnival of the Cats for more kitty goodness.
There’s also Flickr Groups called Furry Friday and Friday Catblogging.
Anybody I miss?


Today’s Simpsons Trivia

1) What does Homer say if he’s frustrated, wrong, or surprised?
2) (T/F) Milhouse has been seen wearing Teletubbies underwear?
3) Who tries to get Ned to participate in her infomercial when he visits Las Vegas?
4) In the Baldwin’s house, what does Homer do when Kim Bassinger is asleep?
Official Trivia Card answers in the comments tomorrow.