A Kiss to build a dream on

Apparently, Kiss fans take their fandom way too seriously:

About 200 Kiss fans protested in front of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum to demand that the band be inducted into the hall.
Fans, some from as far away as California, carried signs Saturday and had painted their faces in black-and-white to resemble Kiss band members.
Those participating in the half-hour demonstration were upset that the band, formed more than 30 years ago, has not been admitted, even though it has been eligible since the late 1990s.

If the selection committee caves in to this strong-arm tactic from militant groups like the Kiss Army, it’s only a matter of time before The Al Jarreau Martyrs Brigade and the Yusuf Islam Jihad threaten their own terrorist actions against the museum.
Besides, what has Kiss really given to the world of Rock And Roll besides ludicrous makeup? You don’t see Tammy Faye Bakker Messner being inducted into the Rock Hall Of Fame, do you?


  1. They should be inducted. KISS fans have every right to protest. Frankly, if they ever do get inducted, they should shoot em’ the rod just like the Sex Pistols did. All in the spirit of Rock N Roll of course.

  2. I’d be careful about making fun of them. Back in their heyday the Kiss Army outnumbered the US Army.
    Of course, they had hard drugs instead of heavy artillery, but you really don’t want a bunch of elderly drug addicts throwing up all over your blog.

  3. I was a huge Kiss fan in my youth. I bought their records and painted my face. It didn’t take long for my attention to shift to bands that lacked the makeup but had something vital…talent. Arguments about Ace Frehley aside, Kiss was a talentless circus act. Period. While I could accept that their impact on pop culture warrants possible entry into the HOF, I would categorically deny that their crappy music had anything to do with it.

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