Before You Rush to Support Giuliani…

According to the Staw Poll results so far, Giuliani is pretty popular among IMAO readers and conservatives at large. John Hawkins has his case about Giuliani, though, and really questions whether he is electable.
I ain’t gonna say nothing against Giuliani, though, because I’m afraid he’ll beat me to death with a tire iron.


  1. I like the idea of a President who would beat people to death with a tire iron. John Kerry would offer people glasses of fine burgundy. Jimmy Carter would offer them marshmallows, or perhaps peanuts. I think that those are two good reasons to be in favor of Presidents who would beat people to death tire irons.

  2. Gunga, I gotta disagree with you on that one. I can totally see Benito Giuliani beating somebody with a tire iron. He would never be caught on tape though.
    I personally think that the biggest problem some of the more socially conservative types have with him is his stance on gays.
    As for illegal immigration, he was mayor of a city. The feds were supposed to be handling illegal immigration, he had to handle illegal immigrants that the feds let through. He was concerned with his city, he couldn’t, and shouldn’t, police the country.
    James, search for “Benito Giuliani”. He drove NYC lefties absolutely insane. As he made the City safer, they went correspondingly more insane. I can understand it after all, their parts of NY were fairly safe, he just made the whole thing safer.
    As for guns, gun control is a loser. If he doesn’t say he’s not going to try to grab guns I would be surprised. And depressed because that’s a deal breaker for me.

  3. Hey Veeshir,double negatives in the same sentence are really confusing (if he doesn’t say he’s not going to ).How about this: If I saw him on “live TV” shooting that blind shiek (or is it sheik), responsible for the 1993 attack on the World Trade Center, in the huevos with a small calibre back-up gun – say, a .380 or .38 snubby, I might be willing to vote for him. Any body but McCain!

  4. “New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani is once again expressing outrage at an art exhibit, this time at a painting in which Jesus is depicted as a naked woman. Said the mayor, ‘This trash is not the sort of thing that I want to look at when I go to the museum with my mistress.'”

  5. Bah! Capitalist swine! It is still not too late to prepare a large vat of tar. We will ship you vast quantities of feathers. You can roll your RINOs in the tar, dip them in the feathers and deep fry them in voter apathy. Serve to a nation stuffed with an “all you can eat for free” mentality.
    As far as the ‘Straw Poll’… In this particular box of RINOs is there really a choice here? Shake the whole thing and I dare you to find a genuine conservative. Not gonna happen. Most are paid for hacks who are more worried about their own careers and bank accounts rather than my children’s country and my grandchildren’s future. Screw em – throw the bums out.
    I can’t say I support Rudy that much either but Guiliani was the right guy at the right time for New York when the jihadi’s struck. If it was between Rudy or McNutjobMcCain… well, between those two give me Guiliani any day mainly for the same reasons given above by Frank H. – His reaction to that Saudi prince’s $10mill dhimmi guilt-check. But to call him a conservative… -NOT-
    The rest – Allen has potential but he’s too ‘GOP’ and ‘GOP’ has went too far to the left and the cash-register. (GOP was quite happy to ask me for contributions… not so happy to get the job done.)
    We resume our usual repressive regime.

  6. Comparison:
    Kiano Reeves, Eugene Levy, Michael J. Fox, Jim Carrey, Matthew Perry, DHT, EA Sports, Ubisoft, Nintendo, ATI, Logitech, Steve Nash. Invented in Canada: basketball and hockey…
    George Bush

  7. USA: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…
    Canada: Give me you hippies, your drug addicts, your deserters and draft dodgers fleeing like the craven scum that they are…

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