Cartervational Poster



  1. As my “handle” will attest, I have a special distain for everything “Jimmy Carter”! I was a very young pup just out of college and had decided to sell cars until I decided what I wanted to be when I grew up…Jimmy was in office! Interest rates soared to 20%, everyone was unemployed, car dealers were going insane (they would look on the lot and calcuate 18% floorplan on each car that we couldn’t sell), Iran had our hostages and this dufus came on TV and told us that all of this was OUR FAULT!!!

  2. Spacemonkey:
    Carter? With everything going on in the world, you choose to put up a post making fun of Carter — who, last time I checked, was president more than 25 years ago?
    And FrankJ says Kos is irrelevant?
    Here is an idea SpaceMonkey. Write something about how your and FrankJ’s political hero, George Bush, is having a really successful second term.
    Oh yeah. That’s why
    I see now why you what to live in the past.
    Monkey Faced Liberal

  3. Carter — who, last time I checked, was president more than 25 years ago?
    Actually, Jimmy Carter was never President. The American people just allowed him to play one on television, sort of like Robert Young and Marcus Welby, M.D.

  4. What he did, or didn’t do, in his presidency is bad enough, but he is actively undermining our sovereignty from the cozy confines of Fortress Eurabia with rhetoric that is at least ill-advised and at worst treasonous. He’s an abomination, his folksy demeanor masking a despicable agenda. He’s far from irrelevant. He’s dangerous.

  5. MFL…jimmy carter and bill clinton! Malaise and BJ’s. Nice stuff from your side. Wonder why you just keep losing and losing and losing! But, hey…go after Walmart…that will help you guys capture the White House this time! Idiots!!!

  6. come to think about it…someone with some poetic talent should write the 2008 democratic theme song “Malaise & BJ’s” to harken back to the last two titans of democRATic “leadership”…

  7. Carter isn’t just an old peanut farmer. He went and validated Venezuela’s phony election. It was a total crock and he gave it his blessing in person, then skipped out as opposition people were being gunned down. That is current, relevant and disgusting treason.
    At some point you have to ask who’s side he is on, because it sure isn’t America’s.
    If you don’t know about it, you are even more of an arrogant fool than I thought, MFL.

  8. “I think most people believe that enough time has passed so that historical facts can be ignored.”
    –Dhimmy Cah-tah, Spiegel, August 15, 2006
    I could give a complete Phd. Dissertation on Carter Foreign Policy/Foreign Affairs, based on that sentence.

  9. Jimmy Carter was an absolute failure as president, and has become a mouth piece for socialists and islamofascists. Sorta like MFL, who thankfully codn’t quailfy to lead a pack of cub scouts. Oh wait, they don’t allow pickle smokers in the Scouts, do they? And he is a doo doo head.

  10. too bad the democRATs DO employ “pickle smokers” within the pool of White House intern staffers. as I understand the qualifications a chubby young female will get you on the A List…

  11. It’s long, I apologize in advance.
    Jimmy (mad bunny rabbit) Carter was without a doubt the worst president in the history of the United States.
    -During his term in office he practically destroyed the military. Their morale was in the sub basement.
    -He refused to take action against terrorist in Iran and Libya and set the stage for September 11th.
    -He decided in his compassionate little mind that anyone in a psychiatric hospital who wasn’t a specific danger to themselves or the general public must be released. In truth he is the father of our “Homeless Problem.” Many of these folks may not be dangerous but they are in danger. They can not or will not care for themselves and thus become a danger to the general population.
    Compassion is allowing them to live on the streets in the heat and cold. Compassion is allowing them to get so ill they have to hospitalized or even worse they spread the illness to others. Compassion is shuffling off your problems onto someone else, the idea that churches should and families should care for them. How many churches and or families have members who are trained in mental illness. That’s what hospitals, especially psyciatric ones are for.
    -Carter signed the basis agreement in the Philippines which turned our military bases over to their government. Does anyone know what they use the former Subic Naval Station as? A casino. That really helps in the war on terror.
    -The man couldn’t find a clue with both hands, a flashlight, binoculars, and seeing eye dogs (several)
    I know this because I lived through the term that was Carter. It was my first election and I voted for Ford. My mantra to my parents, who voted for Carter, during the next four years was, “Don’t blame me I didn’t vote for him.” If only he’d go away and take MFL with him.

  12. Carter was the worst president ever.
    He engineered the overthrow of the Shah of Iran,
    Created an artificial oil crisis,
    Turned a slow economy into Depression,
    Returned the Ayatollah to Iran.
    Made deals that were instantly broken with Arafat,
    Created a housing bust,
    And Pardoned the Draft Dodgers

  13. Yeah… He made the problems at the pump! I was only two years old at the time, but I remember being stuck in this long gas line in the blazing So. Cal heat. That explains my current brain damage!
    But I think that everyone is missing the point!
    Carter was a definite Manchurian Candidate. He was planted by the KGB/GRU to undermine everything American. Sure, this Manchurian Candidate had nothing to do with actual or perceived murderousness, but he enabled America’s enemies to seep in unnoticed by all the actions he supported.
    When will we wake up and realize (even 26 years after the fact) that we have been compromised!
    And, even though the Cold War wasn’t a traditional war, I still feel that sedition like that should be handled in the traditional method.
    We should all organize a movement that calls on Carter to turn himself in so we can do what we should have done 26 years ago…
    Line him up against a wall, give him a dirty blindfold and put a rusty round between his headlamps. Let’s go with a .45 hollow point for added effect.

  14. Wow, I’m impressed with the fantasy world Jimmy has fashioned for himself. Here’s the line that made me stop reading that article:

    “This administration has not attempted at all in the last six years to negotiate or attempt to negotiate a settlement between Israel and any of its neighbors or the Palestinians.”

    This is an outright lie. He can argue that the administration hasn’t had much success (which is incorrect, given the significant steps we’ve seen Israel take to try to work with the Palestinians and Lebanese in the past few years), but to say that they haven’t even made an attempt?

  15. you guys are forgetting what uncle Jimmy taught us during the fire side chats…remember that stupid sweater…it was all our fault…mailaise and all…
    What is it about RATs and hating the United States above all else? Now they are attacking Wal Mart! Let’s see…Wal Mart employs 500,000 workers here in the US…that should work out well for the Dims! LOL! Wal Mart contributes $5.00 per second…every second…of every minute…of every hour…of every day…of every year…to charity! Yup…sounds like a really bad company to me!!!! Sounds like Jimmy Carter’s party alright!

  16. And I don’t work for Walmart…but if you want to go after some really crummy companies there are plenty of them. I worked for a couple of them here in the Twin Cities before becoming an Independent Consultant. One was a large bank and they are simply an awful company!

  17. I hope Jimmy Carter lives a long, happy, communist-loving, terrorist-loving, Arafat’s ass-kissing, anti-American life. I however, will not shed a tear when he finally becomes America’s model dead President.
    If Jimmy Carter is America’s model ex-President, then I guess we should amend the Constitution declaring that former Presidents shall be locked away in solitary until they die.

  18. It would have to be a coin that costs alot and doesn’t buy a damn thing and it needs to be sold over and over and over again on cable TV by Billie Mays just to make it as obnoxious as our former President!

  19. In defense of the simple peanut farmer from Plains, GA, he was not our worst President ever. Thomas Jefferson and that guy right before Honest Abe were worse – unless you lived in a foreign country and were not a member of a liberation group, in which case, yup, Jimmy was worse.
    On the other hand, Steve Martin did a perfectly capital Jimmy Carter imitation on Saturday Night Live.

  20. I am Shocked!
    Shocked and Appalled by the comments in this post regarding former Democratic President Jimmy Carter.
    The hate and envictive spewed forth regarding his presidency and his subsequent attempts at good works around the world are just terrible and very disturbing.
    I mean really!
    There have been over 25 comments made about Jimmy Carter and no one has once made reference to him as “History’s Greatest Monster” or his motto, “Malaise Forever!”
    And you people call yourselves Simpsons fans!

  21. We are forgetting one of the most infamous Jimmy Carter deeds of all time:
    “The Mariel boatlift was a mass movement of defectors who departed for the United States from Cuba’s Mariel Harbor between April 15 and October 31, 1980. Fidel Castro’s communist Cuban government used it as a mean to be rid of the ‘undesirables’ of the society, such as criminals and mental patients. President Jimmy Carter was also heavily criticized for his handling of the situation.”
    Beyond this didnt we have brother Billy on film peeing off Airforce one? Just a precursor for the Clinton years I guess.

  22. My misery index tripled upon the mere sight of your former Presidente Carter’s portrait. Argh! Can’t you people keep him building low-rent housing somewhere?
    But on to the point: “Dhimmy Cah-tah”… What a wonderfully apt phrase! (Look up dhimmi here if ya needs to…)
    I hereby award -franksalterego- the Royal Medalion of BAH! for coining a most apt phrase. Well done, most capitalist one! Well done! I shall have a peasant beaten in your honor.

  23. Hey mang! I jam telling choo, dat puta gabe away de pamana canal to the pamananians! Look eet up eef choo doan beleef me! Dat maricon ees a stupidio! And dat EmEfEl ees a doo doo ead! Asta la vista, baby!

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