
So, there’s like a cease-fire on. How does that work? I mean, do you just sit around and not shoot the other side? How is that supposed to kill terrorists?
This must have been some French idea…


  1. There is no cease fire it is either a chance for Hezba-Allah (may fleas be upon them) to reload and/or a chance for Israel to get the world on their side when they stop shooting and the Hezba-Allah (may MOABs be upon them) don’t stop shooting. Depending on how naive/crafty you think the JOOOOS running Israel are.
    I think the over/under on the cease fire holding is 30 seconds and I am THE FIRST betting the under.

  2. It IS a French thing. Isn’t this similar to what they did in the 1940’s? Have a war far a while then just give up? Oh, that was an actual surrender. My Bad. In any case, I think the question asked is the right one: How DOES this kill terrorists? I don’t get it.

  3. Terrorists do not have to be killed to be neutralized. By way of this ceasefire, the terrorists will be marginalized by the presence of a strong and determined international force. This force will strongly and determinedly ensure that the terrorists, who are now marginalized, will not be up to any hanky panky as they are rearmed by the Iranians and the Syrians.
    Once the marginalized terrorists are rearmed, then of course the fighting can then continue. Only it will be more fair since the marginalized terrorists will have more arms. Then when the marginalized terrorists are further weakened by the disproportinate response by those insane Jews, the UN can come in again and demand another ceasefire. Then the terrorists will be further marginalized and enable a stable Lebanese government to develop that can ensure the further marginalization of the terrorists by seing that the can be rearmed by the Iranians and Syrians.
    This is a peace accord that can truly be effective. Then the incompetence of the Bush Administration can be marginalized and I can be president. Oh yeah, I served in Viet Nam, and we all know how well that turned out.

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