Computer tip: Stop, drop, and roll.

Context Here


  1. Bah! These are merely the Dell Jihadi 5000 running Windowsistan 2006. They are selling like hot-cakes in the Middle East and coming to a splinter cell near you.
    (About 1 week ago, Yahoo news or Drudge linked to a story about a couple of good ol’ boys out hunting who lost their truck after setting their laptop on the truck floor board, to recharge off the truck battery I think (not sure on that aspect…). Laptop exploded & burnt truck & all to the ground.)

  2. See, this is why I own only the “other” kind of computer, they don’t spontaneously combust. That and they are so much easier to use.
    I wonder how many people will simply continue to use said laptops until they blow up in their faces.
    People are complex aren’t they?

  3. I thought the exploding laptop thing was funny until I took out the battery and cross referenced it with the serial #’s Dell provided and found out mine was one designated for recall. Screw it!! I am keeping mine, but its really hard typing with this flak jacket on!!

  4. Gee, it only took 2 years for them to find out something was wrong, doesn’t exactly inspire confidence does it? I wonder how long they actually knew about the problem and if they would have issued the recall if the news didn’t catch wind of it.

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