
I’d like to take a moment to apologize to all the Muslim readers of IMAO out there for falsely characterizing Islam as a backward and barbaric religion that forces non-Muslims to convert to Islam or face the sword.
After all, this is 2006, and nobody uses swords anymore. The implement of death used to threaten nonbelievers is the gun:

Centanni later told Fox News in a phone call from Gaza City that during his capture, he was held at times face down in a dark garage, tied up in painful positions, and that he and Wiig were forced at gunpoint to make statements, including that they had converted to Islam.

Only by getting rid of such wild myths and false accusations can we, the Western World, come to a better understanding of our Muslim neighbors.


  1. Man, I love it soooo much. The Fox journalists were released, but only AFTER they were forced -at gunpoint- to “convert” to islam & renounce America–
    Yesiree, there’s the “religion of peace” I know & laugh at.

  2. “You will do as your’e told, or you will die…”
    I’ll bet the child Aisha felt just as welcome at her tender pre-teen age.
    The “religion of peace” is THE quintissential synagogue of satan. Not even the over-zealous Crusaders would be this relentlessly stupid… while al-Gore tries to make excuses for “us”, as though he knows what it is to be a patriot.
    I think the clintonites will do as they’re told… they’re already converted.

  3. AlanABQ-Absolutely right. After all, what can they do? They have no religion or moral center to begin with and no weapons to defend themselves. They are too busy whining about global warming and their “right” to abort their own children to even see a threat to this nation.
    As long as they don’t put the ten commandments or a cross or a nativity scene in public place (unlikely), the islamo-fascist have nothing to worry about from the American left.

  4. Apology? APOLOGY?
    I’m incensed at that thought much less the act, Once they are all Buried (hopefully alive, that way they can reason out why they are going to die ) then we can proceed to to educate those that choose to live peacefully. Already I can see the Memorial springing up in New York for the poor Muslims brought to You by the Left in the middle of Central Park.

  5. Yeah…like it’s only moslems that do this kind of stuff. Burger King once held me against my will for 72 hours until I vowed to answer, “YES! I want fries with that!” when asked. Everyone knew I was lying because…you know…BK’s fries suck…even though their rings are pretty good.

  6. wouldn’t THAT be a reward! heck, if it were advertised as “72 vegans”, somehow i don’t think they’d be as zealous.
    then it would be more likely a “religion of peach”…
    the world could live with THAT!

  7. I’m really sure that’s what Muhammad had in mind when he was talking about rewards. Who wouldn’t want 72 vegans to serve fruit and veggies to you for time and all eternity. Just think of it no steak, chops, brisket, fried chicken, eggs, and by extension no milk, no chocolate, no cookies, no cake, pudding, cheesecake the list just goes on and on.
    If I really thought that this was Heaven I don’t know that I’d want to go. No chocolate- it could be a deal breaker.

  8. Bah! Do not forget that there is a fatwah decreeing that all 72 Vegans must use Olestra in all their culinary wonders for the jihadis. This intestenal super-lube will purify each of the jihadi’s eternal meals and guarantee eternal gastric delight! Aieeee!
    Come to think of it… I suppose the alien type Vegans with those probes might come in handy if the line gets too long for that minaret topped outhouse…

  9. Comparison:
    Kiano Reeves, Eugene Levy, Michael J. Fox, Jim Carrey, Matthew Perry, DHT, EA Sports, Ubisoft, Nintendo, ATI, Logitech, Steve Nash. Invented in Canada: basketball and hockey…
    George Bush

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