Eye on the Prize

So what are you doing today to help kill terrorists?
I’m writing a blog post to remind people to focus on killing terrorists.
UPDATE: Also, I’m writing an In My World™ on killing terrorists.

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  1. I’m spending the day at home. Any terrorists show up here, I’m going to julienne ’em with a ginsu and use them to mulch the roses. Other than mulch, what are terrorists good for?…around the house (I don’t have that many roses).

  2. Um… I help build targets for the terrorists. But we put so many security cameras around the buildings that hopefully the terrorists will be spotted before they blow everything up. And then they’ll be captured and we’ll turn the cameras off and then you can kill them.

  3. Me? I stew in impotent rage while I struggle to lose the weight needed to get my elderly butt back in the Army. Also I take my 9mm out to the hills and shoot terrorist shaped cacti. Plus each night I send my “die-terrorist-pig” vibe out into the world, hoping a few of them keel over into their supper. All very effective, to be sure.

  4. I’m somehow, in an abstract manner, supporting killing the @#$%ers from way, way back in the rear…sitting at a desk doing a job I didn’t join the military to do. Once I engineer an escape from this desk, however, I plan to find a job killing them and breaking their stuff (why I joined in the first place).

  5. I will smoke a pork butt this weekend and make pulled pork sandwiches. (I dont like to stew) When the terrorists fly into a rage over my consumption of pork, I’ll let the wife pop them with the 12 gauge. That is what wives and shotguns are for.

  6. I just witnessed 8 of the finest young people that America has to offer as they rehearsed paying final respects to real American heroes. I am humbled to share the same uniform with them and I honor those who have paid that highest price.

  7. I’m still in College, and I would love to ask my Materials Science Prof how to make Flags out of extremely potent explosives. Then, I shall ship these US flags off to the ME, so that every dude that burns one of these takes out at least a couple hundered people with him. (who were all probably dancing around like apes chanting Allahu Akbar)

  8. Unfortunately, because I’m missing a foot, I’m stewing like Medic. I am however keeping armed and keeping a sharp eye out for anyone who is BAWAM – “Breathing Air Whilst Arab Muslim”. And I’m Patroling the Wal-Marts for suspicious TracFone purchases.

  9. Ahahahah….Desert Elephant is going to protect us all, the stupid lame shit. The crippled Repug is going to go for glory, and will be the savior of humanity.
    How are you going to run after them after they purchase the phone, you illiterate cripple?

  10. Babs… that’s what God made the .45 Caliber pistol Cartridge for. If you think A human can outrun that… feel free to try. I’d rather enjoy watching the attempt.
    And for a so-called Lib, you sure have your sympathy and political correctness down. The word cripple is ever so sensitive.
    So, just to get this right, everyone has to be politicallycorrect unless talking about Conservatives? Git it.
    Shit stain. Get the cock out of your mouth and try thinking about something other than gargling Michel Moore’s putrified demonseed, you stupid, racist, fascist whore.

  11. Babs,
    Clearly your already in hell. Does it make you feel good to write the things you write? Do you feel smug, slouching in your quaggy little nest of anonymity? Pulling the legs off of grasshoppers is something most people outgrow after their tenth birthday, because they feel that little nugget of shame. Some don’t feel shame.
    I visit this site to laugh at the absurd things that happen in this world. I like the writers and the regular posters, and some of the trolls, even. But you, you’ve made me very sad, and I need to go home and be with my family.
    I say good day!

  12. Babs – Congratulations on reaching a new low. Your parents must be so proud. For my part, I’d feel better trusting my life to DE than I would trusting the shine on my shoes to you. Hate all you want to…it’s free. Don’t expect in-kind in return. All you merit is pity.

  13. Gunga… I’m not sure whether to be a flattered “illiterate cripple” because of your comment or not. I should start posting my range scores to get some credibility here. 😉
    And for the waterheaded whore, Babs… I din’t lose my foot in combat. Though I wish I had. It’s called giving back. Rather than being a selfish c*nt Libtard
    Though, It might not have been worth it knowing I was preventing an idiotic twat like you from getting passed around like a hookah by your Muslim Masters for showing your cankles.

  14. Babs is demonstrating the kind, compassionate feelings that the left shows to Americans in unfortunate circumstances.
    I guess I should say that you are “unfortunate” no matter if you are a drug user, thief, child molester or rapist-as long as you are a Democrat voter and/or hate President Bush. Bring the troops home now!! Tax the rich!! Abort the children!! Buy the hybrids!! Vote for Lamont!! Give terrorists Constitutional rights!! Blah, blah, blah……

  15. Selfish c*nt libtard commie pinko leftist whore stinking hippie take a bath.
    Ouch, getting me where it hurts. Statistically, people with an higher education have far more chances of getting a job than those without. DE and Frank A, who seem to think a GED is good enough, are much more likely to be unemployed than any university educated pinko commie. Plus, trailer trash wife-beaters and whores shower far less than any normal educated “hippie”. Especially peg leg wife beaters.
    Shit stain. Get the cock out of your mouth and try thinking about something other than gargling Michel Moore’s putrified demonseed, you stupid, racist, fascist whore.
    Racist? It doesn’t surprise me that you don’t know what the word race means, but I thought you could have at least come up with something more appropriate. Facist? I guess you mean Fascist, but Im sure the IMAO folks wouldn’t recognise it spelt the right way, so let’s call it facist. It seems folks like you are the ones for censorship of the press when it “harms troops morale.” It seems folks like you are the ones who are strongly nationalistic. It seems folks like you who are for goverment keeping reducing privacy rights of the public.
    So we are left with whore. Which really hurts me. Why so bitter, Pegleg, at least you always find a parking spot.

  16. DE – It wasn’t much of a compliment since I don’t presume to know you. I just know how trustworthy the “peace and love” crowd isn’t. Reading one of these “liberal” posters (who are some of the most illiberal wretches going) is not much different than rubber-necking at a traffic fatality…as soon as you do it once, instant revulsion proves that you shouldn’t have. They really are worthy of nothing more than pity. Can you imagine leading a life defined by hatred? For all of their pseudo-intellectual posing, they are incapable of articulating a single original thought…for the simple reason that they never learned how to think for themselves. Pitiful.

  17. BabsBitch,
    Thank you for once again rubbing your two brain cells together trying to form a thought, and once again, failing miserably. The word is “Fascist” based on the Latin Root “Fasces”.
    “fasces – Pronunciation Key:(fsz)pl.n. – A bundle of rods bound together around an ax with the blade projecting, carried before ancient Roman magistrates as an emblem of authority.
    The Dictionary is a beautiful thing.
    So, in your claim to intellectual superiority, you once again are defeated by your betters and bested by your own ignorance.
    Unless you really meant to say we have a thing about faces? Because I’d never want to be a fascist or a “facist”.
    I hate Libtards as much as they hate soap, the truth, and facts… oh, and Faces for some reason.

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