Fox Reporter Gets Captured

Yes, I know the terrorists look like they’re dancing – YOU try drawing with a mouse!


  1. Michele (sorry SaraK)Malkin gives us the typically sick skewed DU opinion, thanks to Flopping Aces
    “How much do we have to pay to get the Palestinians to keep them?”
    In the same spirit of brotherhood and compassion, I have some much better questions:
    If we pay them do you think these terrorists might trade Mr. Centanni and his camera man for Cindy Sheehan, Michael Moore, Alex Baldwin, Barbara Streisand, Howard Reid, Hillary and or Bill Clinton, …. oh there are just so many traitors to choose from and they would be soooo much more sympathetic their captors aims.
    I really think we should try it. We could always throw in the Dixie Chicks for free. They’re not doing anything important anyway.
    For those who don’t recognize it, this unlike the post from DU, is satire. No matter how much I dislike someone I would never really suggest something that might cause them real harm.
    I guess that’s the biggest difference between the right and the left. We on the right might sarcasticly suggest something while those on the left are deadly (pun intended) serious. Just ask anyone in the Bush family, they know from personal experience.

  2. Start message
    The Fox reporter in the drawing looks angry but he is not angry because of being kidnapped. He’s angry because the ooogly pooblicans have spent all of our money and then some. Why did the oogly pooblicans turn into big tax and spend taxocrats? Why did they ruin America? What’s going to happen when the housing bubble bursts and we all face financial ruin because of this administration? Guess we will become a sad pathetic second world nation thanks to the bush administration. very depressing. You have now read this message and will spend the next 58 hours thinking about it.
    End message 43-15-88 zbSKJly

  3. Well whatever we can blame “the Bush administration” for, I am pretty sure and our spend-the-equity ways and a possible housing bubble are courtesy of individuals with a selfish attitude. “I want it, I will have it now, d@#n the consequences especially because someone else will have to handle it.” Sounds like a kneejerk liberal.

  4. Ann Coulter: We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity.
    Osama Bin Laden: We will invade the Western World, kill anyone who stands in our way, and the entire world will be Islamic.

  5. However, even in their state right now, I bet that, being FOX reporters, they are ever grateful for the service the troops provide them, for the fact that without the troops, they would not have the freedom they enjoyed, without the troops, no democracy would exist (the worlds largest democracy only exist because of assistance from US troops, you know), without the troops, (many of whom do not even have a GED!!! the collective IQ of the nation would increase by orders of magnitude, and who would then watch FOX News? That without the troops, the phrase HOOAH would fall out of use (and what a loss it would be), that without the troops, who do the bidding of every human (well, okay, Rumsfeld, but assholes are a type of human, aren’t they?) there would be a lot less morality in the world (I mean, Jesus, Buddha, the Pope, were all war loving folks werent they? NO??? Well, Mohammed, then. There!! Mohammed. HA!).
    F*** the troops to hell. What’s with this “but you support the troops…” sarcasm line? Why the f*** should we support them? Why the f*** do people even say they do? F*** THEM!

  6. Babs you ignorant slut. Your AA degree from Lee’s Press On Nails Tech just doesn’t provide you with the background to make judgement on the education levels of our troops. Besides, the world’s largest democracy is protected by the Indian Army.
    I would rather have any of our members of the armed services working for me than an ignoramus, pseudo-elitist shithead like you. Have you every considered getting laid? Of course you’d have to get the sand out of your vagina, but it may be worth the effort. I suggest you shave your legs, drop about 50 lbs. and get a smile transplant. Going through life as a bitter, angry hag seems patently sad. And you are a doo doo head.

  7. Wow Babs, that was some rant there have you ever considered restarting your medication?
    Cap’t America, not to be overly pendantic, but the largest democracy is protected by the Canadian Army while the most populous democracy is protected by the Indian Army.

  8. Damn, Frank, the Trolls came out in force on this one. I think the simplicity of your artwise truth pisses them off.
    Oh, and Babs, when your barrio gets overrun with islamocommunists and you get raped by a gang of mohammodite thugs because your burka was an inch too short, don’t whine as you wonder where the troops are to save you. Unless you enjoy getting gang raped by stinky bearded thugs; but don’t forget, they’ll murder you afterwards to keep your family from shame.
    As for wheresrmoneypooblicans, as typical of liberal pukes, you have lost your hindsight and ignore the foresight. Clinton busted the booming economy of Reagan by raising taxes, people spent less because they had no money to spare, you moron. Bush’s tax cuts are boosting the amount spending which increases the intake of sales tax. We wouldn’t have such a large military deficit if Clinton hadn’t CUT the amount of troops while he was in office, we’d have been up to par. Having served 8 years in the Air Force during this scumbag’s rule, I remember Slick Willie’s stance of “do more with less” which led to incidents like Blackhawk Down and the USS Cole.
    All this I could have figured out without my college degree, but I’ll admit to it anyway.
    I dare you to go spout your liberal tripe in Iran, babs, you socialist whore.

  9. wheresrumoneypooblicans?
    All you have to do to prove the global warming, is prove that humanity is the key cause given the following verified facts:
    1. Mount St. Helens spewed out more CO2 and ash than 200 years of Industrial Revolution.
    2. Geologically speaking, climate is naturally cyclable where the hot times have been much warmer than today (20degrees C) and the colder times much colder than the last Ice Age.
    3. In the last fifteen years, the summers in South Texas have been warmer than the current year 9 times.
    Please include the formulas used to derive your assumed results that humanity has caused the current global warming trend for verification.

  10. babs,
    You still have not answered me concerning education levels and proven (written) facts concerning the military. Your supposition concerning their educational level is 100% wrong and can be verified by actually talking to a recruiter. Check it out and apologize. Until then, pipe down.

  11. Bah!
    Proletariat Babs: Continue with your valiant efforts! Our regime fully supports your revolutionary propaganda!
    Pace yourself and do not let your one-worker revolution spin too quickly – it may cross-thread! Remember that not everyone has thrown off enough ballast to reach your intellectual plateau!

  12. Shut up, guys. Get back to killing people. Just like your god says to do. You know…Muhammed.
    Oh, you’re not Muslim?? Then what’s with this “god” bullshit? Convert to Islam, and then you can justify your war in the name of god. Otherwise, you’re just a phoney.

  13. Gentlemen: Please be aware that Babs is not on the rag. She is just upset that she can no longer take her 50 lb make up bag on jets these days. It takes a ton of our “Skin So Smooth” spackle to cover up the craters in her pizza-like face. And she has sand in her vagina. And she is a doo doo head.

  14. What can one expect from a whole folk whose idol went to the University of Tennessee?
    Truly the nations leader in …umm…well…you know…being the University with the most campuses in Tennessee.

  15. BABS
    Oh, thank you so much for your kind words. And you should thank me and mine for the “kind words” we allow you to utter.
    If not for me or mine, as well as those before me, you and yours would be a “bar of soap or a lampshade” to borrow the words from Michael Savage.
    As far as I can tell, you are still allowed to sit out in an intersection with your biased, opinionatedm placards screaming of non-existent plans, schemes and plots by an administration that just wanted one thing. War. Hey, that’s Bush’s business (as well as mine.)
    While you sit and enjoy the right to spout your gob holding a sign, I sit on unfriendly hilltops and rooftops holding a rifle… just so you can do what you do.
    Thank me.
    Thank ODA 392.
    Thank the US Army
    Thank your military.
    Thank your Veterans of Foreign Wars that nothing more has happened since Pearl Harbor or 9/11.
    Most of all, thank the tradition bearers of those Minutemen of our past who stood and fought for you for the right of free speech, freedom from oppression, the freedom of religion, the freedom of press (as much as it is) the freedom of assembly (Duh, that means you) the right to bear arms, the freedom from unlawful search and seisure (wire taps on terrorists don’t count, you know) and all other UNALIENABLE RIGHTS.
    I Quote:
    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
    So thank me.
    Oh, and shut your mouth. This is not a sight for ignorant trolls, just highly educated, purchased trolls from
    So don’t harrass me or Frank J

  16. I don’t know what’s funny in the story, but I do know this is very funny:
    You have now read this message and will spend the next 58 hours thinking about it.
    I just love egomaniacal trolls who think they are saying something new and exciting that we wingnuts have never even thought about.
    As if we haven’t heard everything from those chicken nuggets that stick together to simple, chronic halitosis blamed on Bush.
    Although I’m wondering if it is a satire troll, especially as it wrote this
    Please read the article and then write at least 300 words about what thought of it. All others reading this forum please do the same including all the people that work for IMAO including Frank J.
    Oh, and just to get stuff riled up, this is absolutely wrong
    but the largest democracy is protected by the Canadian Army
    The largest democracy is protected by the American military. The Canadian Army can only protect that small portion of Canada on which they are standing at any given time. They can protect other areas of the country only if they can find an airline with enough seats open for the dates they want to fly. I hear they use Orbitz as they really don’t like Shatner since he got all uppity.

  17. Ducky,
    I knew it was you. Frank’s style is entirely different and it takes a true IMAO loyalist to recognize the various nuances.
    BTW, This is funny. But on a more serious note, I’m curious to see if FOX reporters receive different treatment than that last gal they took.

  18. Bah!
    Proletariat Babs: Do not be disuaded by such vile use of intellect and reason by these capitalist swine! Ignore them! Just because they use real world information does not mean you have to exist in that world!
    They are beneath you!
    Do not let mere facts get in the way of your reasoning. If you cannot shout louder, then type harder! We support your antithesis free assertions! Power to the people!

  19. Remember when IMAO trolls were just drooling idiots that were tired of being ignored over at DU? Where did all of these raging moonbats come from? Babs, who apparently knows nothing about anything (and wants to make sure everyone knows it), has half the charm of a glass of warm marmot urine…french marmot urine. This other idiot (wheresmybrainithinkamarmotateit?), can’t have an idea until his local mullah tells him what it is. I keep waiting for him to realize this isn’t a Bush fan site…or to say something that resembles a cogent thought. …then the simp tries to hand out a writing assignment! OK, that was funny…just not in the way he intended.
    RightWingDuck – you deserve better trolls…ones that smell less like marmots.

  20. Thank you, Frank A, for fighting for me, and Jesus, as that was his message. And then I said to them: kill a bunch of brown people. Or the Pope, who called the Iraq war a disgrace to humanity. Thank you for fighting for us Christians, may god bless you for fighting the battles he demands…… in the Quran.
    Also, I shall consider forever consider you the uneducated, illiterate phoney that you are.
    What was that about facts, Infidel Castro?

  21. BABS
    You really think that you know what you are talking about? I pity you. yes, there are quite a few people in the military with “Good Enough Diplomas,” or GEDs… but you must consider one thing… when staring down the wrong end of a rifle, I would rather have someone with street savvy than book smarts on my side ANY DAY!
    Just because one graduated high school does not make him smart.
    Now, I will point this out to you… teachers these days are what make people like you. The public school system is overrun with people who are trying to re-write history. Can you blame someone for dropping out of high school to pursue a real education called “real world?”
    Most of those that I served with were less ignorant and more intelligent than you.
    Oh, and think twice before trying to redirect someone to a LIBERAL TALKING POINT WEBSITE, you douche.
    As to the battles in the Quran… I really could care less. We are talking about fabricated garbage from the 6th century. Not really noteworthy, you dig? I can play the Ezekiel 36 to 39 card if you want and tell you that these battles between Israel and Lebanon are written as well, but I choose not to.
    However, you will not have this overlooked by a soldier. There are no atheists in the foxhole. And any soldier will tell you that Christ’s soldiers (not just military) will be the only ones left alive after the battle of Armaggeddon.
    Yay me! I get to live because I love Jesus!
    U R Dum!

  22. Also, Frank A, wiretaps on terrorists don’t count? What about keeping tabs on millions of domestic callers? Were they all terrorists too?
    Again, on with the usual Republican blah f***ing blah. It is because of the troops that we have freedom, if it wasn’t for the troops….bullshit. You don’t do what the nation wants, you don’t fight for peace, or security, you fight for what the administration tells you to fight for. An administration which had members that were involved in selling arms to an avowed enemy, Iran, in order to fund fighters fighting another “enemy”. These disgraceful, morally bankrupt f***s are the people you fight for. You fight against the evil of Communism, when it is clear that someone without a GED can’t even spell the word, or wouldn’t even have heard of Karl Marx, let alone what he stood for. If it wasn’t for wars, half of you would be greeters at the local Wal-Mart, or just be in your trailer, trashing it up. You fight for glory, you stupid f***, and I am sorry that you are a part of this society. And you talk of thanks! All the troops can go straight to hell.

  23. Babsy,
    Christ didn’t advocate war… in the OLD TESTAMENT, look it up before calling me illiterate. Ezekiel is in the Old testament… before Christ.
    And the Battle of Armaggeddon which brings about the end of days and Judgement Day? Christ is pro-war!

  24. You are so entertaining, babs. Let’s have some more ranting, OK? You sound so much like a disgruntled homeless guy, that I just want to toss some spare change at you.
    That’s about what it amounts to; the drunken/drug induced ramblings of an angry failure.

  25. Babs need to get his spiritual compass recalibrated, or face some eternal consequences.
    I guess his behavior is a liberal’s way of being tough. Since he hates this country so much, he could take action (as opposed to just talk) and go elsewhere. There are lots of places where “I hate America and Jews” talk is welcome.

  26. Yeah, fix the format, so we can read more intellegent thoughts about Armageddon, and how Jesus told his disciples to always be ready for war, and the violence of his ways. That man preached war, in, you know 54:2344930840. Haven’t read it?
    Meh! Moo!

  27. Babs,
    I have read Marx-on more than one occasion. Usually when I cannot sleep or are trying to understand what he has over-simplified. The problem is that it simply does not work if you understand human nature. Only those who do not realize that it is an idealized and sanitized story continue to believe his fevered rants. Grow up.

  28. Poor Babs. Hre clap-riddled mind has taken her from just an typical obnoxious liberal moonbat to a typical, obnoxious, foulmouthed, ignorant liberal. It’s a shame. Penicillin could have really helped. She must be just on of the 300 billion Americans who have no health care. Just goes to show what happens when you are a stinky, smelly hippie ready to spread your legs at the drop of a hat if only the right DNC talking points are used. And she is a doo doo head.

  29. Babs – U confuse this site with Crosswalk?
    I can see how YOU might do that…
    …since you’re an idiot.
    No, that’s an insult to idiots.
    You’re a self-important ninnymuggins.
    Bet you smell like a marmot.
    Have you ever had a job?
    Have you ever had an original idea?
    Do you really think blind rage is cool?
    Ever consider decaf?
    …heterosexual relations?
    …a pet that isn’t a rodent?
    Why do I ask?
    Because I’m worried about you Babs.
    That’s why.
    You see…you seem to be a human being.
    …and humans ought not feed on rage.
    …or smell like a marmot.
    …or mooch forever off Daddy.
    …or make snails seems ‘smart’
    You’re obviously making a cry for help.
    …and we hear you.
    We’re just having a hard time…
    not laughing at you.
    Since you’re into the whole advice thing,
    here’s some for you.
    Take a bath. It’s quite liberating.

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