Fun New IMAO Game: Faux-Troll Patrol!

When trolls go on long rants in the comments section, I find myself just skipping what they wrote, and I bet a lot of you do the same. That’s not fair to people who take the time to add content to IMAO. So, to encourage thorough reading of the trolls, we have fun new IMAO game!
Sometime, I may secretly add sentences into a troll’s rant. The challenge for you is to identify those added sentences hidden amongst the original sentences. I added sentences to a rant today, and I added sentences to rant from yesterday as well.
Oh, and there is a secret indication of what rants I added sentences to. See if you can figure out the signal!
Also, no fair pointing out the added sentences if you wrote the rant.
Fun game! Play now!


  1. Gee Frank,
    It seems like you are making it too easy. MFL seems to always use a spell checker, unlike you.
    Therefore “You can stop twising open your Oreos to look for “terrorists” inside.” is probably you.
    Plus if MFL recognised humor or could write it, he wouldn’t be a MFL so any really good humor would be a tip off.

  2. I’m guessing it’s the sentence that starts with “I AM scared…” in the terrorist facts thread
    This game is too hard!!! Quickly scanning a post by a troll gives you the flavor of thier stupidity, but to acually read it is just too maddening.

  3. Although degrading the minorities they supposedly champion is a hallmark of liberals, I’m guessing the “just as lazy as a common Mexican” question was added. Still looking for the signal, though.

  4. “Or are you just as lazy as a common Mexican?” That’s gotta be you homey.
    On second thought, MFL seems to be enough of a bonehead to add in some racism into a rant against a post that’s accused of …. racism.
    By the way, what the hell is MFL complaining about anyway? No one read his screwball comments before, now we’re reading every last word. Sounds like he owes you a nice thank you card.

  5. “and studt arabic”
    Did you post this silliness as well, Frank?
    First of how do you “studt” arabic?? What the hell is a “studt”, some sort of 2×4 or breeding animal?? Maybe the poster meant “stunt” meaning “make arabic shorter” or “stunt” as in exciting and explosions, which would explain the suicide bombers.
    If the poster meant study, I must decline as Japanese is a much COOLER language, and Spanish being more useful, arabic would be a waste of my time…unless I wanted to volunteer as a spy…very kewl!

  6. al-ger hiss-bullah, I would be glad to. Do you know of any good programs that I can get to help with that? To thank you, I’ll give YOU a program that makes it so that you don’t make stupid spelling errors.

  7. FRank J.
    Why do you mock me, wellst I yearn for you?
    I have just tried to contribute to your left wing parody of a right wing humor blog.
    These wingnuts don’t understand you I do!
    Ditch SarahK, run away with me!
    You are a parody aren’t you?
    Hail Chthulhu,
    Monkey Faced Liberal

  8. Yeah, here are the answers:
    “You can stop twising open your Oreos to look for “terrorists” inside.”
    “Or are you just as lazy as a common Mexican?”
    in the MFL post and
    “He only watches tv shows about who can and cannot dance.”
    “Bush wants your beanie babies to complete his collection.”
    in a post from some troll yesterday.
    As for the secret indication I’ve edited a troll’s post, you’ll still have to figure that one out. Perhaps there will be more opportunities when more trolls rant in the future.

  9. Woah woah woah! Calm down there, Tex. This is a humor blog, and we like to mess with each other like that. Don’t take it too personally. It’s really all in good fun, okay?

  10. al-ger hiss-bullah,
    It’s all cool. I don’t know if you’re new here but, if you are, welcome.
    The purpose of this game was to challenge us to actually read the posts of liberal trolls…GRRRR!!! I fell for it, and read all of that nonsense!!! Cripes frank! WHY??? Now I need a shower

  11. Dearest Frank,
    I really like the new game but I’m still going to profile Trolls. Since I don’t use the kind of language they do, I really hate to read it. I try to live in a civilized world.
    Still It’s a great idea. You’re so creative.

  12. you mean we have to actually READ the screed from trolls like MFL from now on before we commence on punchin? gosh…now you are like my 6th grade teacher or something, Frank but OK…I’ll play! I just want your assurance that I won’t become a troller myself now that I’m exposing myself to this drivel… You are the “Overloard” and we trust you on these things…

  13. A stab in the dark as for the signal, but is it a word that is capitalized in the sentence besides the first one?
    Granted the last two should be capitalized as proper names, but that’s the only thing I see.

  14. //you guys didn’t know that Frank is the “Overloard”? Better fill them in on just who the hell they are dealing with here Frank! //
    Whoa! now hold up USSJC! I respect Frank and all and I will definately give him a high rating for comedy, but no one, and I MEAN NO ONE, may share the title of my Benevolent Overlord Kal EL and I suggest you remember that before you wind up with a merciless Ninja-like concubine kneecapping you.
    The game Idea sounds amusing and I will enjoy it, but don’t go getting a big head, Frank, at least not until your book comes out.

  15. I noticed MFL’s edited comment said “Peace:” instead of “Peace,” (Colon instead of comma)
    Both edited comments start with “Frank J” but that can’t be a tip off, because MFL always does that. Other than that, you responded to both comments, and you rarely respond to comments. So my guess is the tip off is you responding to the comments is the tip off.

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