Give Him a Break; He Ain’t Nothing But a Hound Dog!

So a guard dog attacks a museum’s teddy bear display, including destroying Elvis’s teddy bear, and people are mad at the dog. Hey, you expect a guard dog to attack a real bear if it broke into the museum but not hurt teddy bears. How can the dog know the difference? He probably saw the display and assumed they were all under attack by a pack of tiny vicious bears and then did what any Doberman would in that situation: massacre the lot of them.
He should get a medal… or a biscuit. He’d probably like a biscuit better.


  1. Since the bear belonged to the Big E, you gotta figure that even after 35 years it still smelled of bacon grease and peanut butter. What dog could resist that, especially a British dog? Have you seen the food they eat over there?

  2. A museum with a teddy bear display is like a hotdog stand with sprouts on the menu. I love that dog! He has more sense than the idiot curator. The only way I’d love that dog more is if he’d chew the curator up and leave his bits all over the floor. “Yes, I’m the curator of the ‘teddy bears of the rich a dead’ exhibit and there’s the beastly canine that gnarfaaaaaaaaaargh!” QED

  3. After attacking the Teddy Bear, the dog lunged toward Elvis’s closet and was diverted just before stepping on his Blue Suede shoes. Then, excited by the sounds of Viva Las Vegas playing over the PA system, he peed on the famous Jailhouse Rock, which was once used as a doorstop at the Heartbreak Hotel, which is in The Ghetto. The dog whined as he was dragged away, “Don’t be cruel…”

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