Hannity & Chimp

Dennis Miller returns to television, courtesy of Fox News:

Comedian and actor Dennis Miller is joining Fox News as a contributor to “Hannity & Colmes” this autumn, according to a network executive. Miller, who did a stint on “Hannity & Colmes” in 2003 and then had his own eponymous show on CNBC, will begin weighing in on news and politics beginning Sept. 13. He also will provide commentary on the Fox News Web site.

Will he bring Ellie The Chimp with him from CNBC, or will Sean Hannity just let him use Alan Colmes?


  1. Colmes has the look of a lifeless skull with leather stretched over it…gives me the creeps when he talks…I keep expecting bugs and rats to crawl out of his mouth…which would be an improvement over most of what he says…

  2. Dennis Miller is about as funny as a bag full of rocks. There is a good reason why he isn’t doing standup anymore. I swore I would never watch Monday night football again, until they got rid of him.
    It just goes to show that there are maroons no matter what your political persuasion is. He is the Rights Michael Moore, him and Pat Roberston, that is.

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