Hitler’s Cross needs a new name!

The Bombay/Mumbai restaurant that glorified Hitler will be changing its name soon:

A restaurant named after Adolf Hitler that enraged Bombay’s Jewish community will soon have a new monicker, its owner promised Thursday.
Puneet Sablok said he would remove Hitler’s name and the Nazi swastika from billboards and the eatery’s menu since it had angered so many people. He had previously said the name and symbols were only meant to attract attention.
“Yes, I have decided to change the name. I never wanted to hurt people’s feelings,” said Sablok, who made the decision after meeting with members from Bombay’s small Jewish community. He did not say what the new name would be.

So, what Jew-hater should he name it after now?

I say Mel Gibson, but call it “Mel’s Diner.” That way critics can be told it’s just a tribute to that show in the Seventies. Maybe even get Linda Lavin to show up at the opening.
She’s Jewish, you know.


  1. Bah! How about renaming it “Jelly Fish Cafe “… NO SPINES in any of our staff.
    Since when did the chaotic religious/political/crockpot that exists in that region suddenly become ‘politically correct’ in nature? They just freakin’ kill each other… I’m surprised the restaurant wasn’t just blown off the planet if there was some “genuine” offense.
    Ah… perhaps the Hindu prohibition against killing pest species explains it: A nest of liberals must have been allowed to be established. Is there a CNN office or United Nations post nearby?

  2. Iron Maiden?
    We put the boots to’em so You don’t have to.
    Holocaust Revival?
    Last meal is Free…
    Rabbi’s Inn?
    The Oven?
    We bake our own…
    The Shnitzel Place?
    The Furnace?
    If We can’t bake’em no one can…
    New Golgotha?
    Nailing Anybody since 7 B.C.

  3. Fatah’s Pizza Hudna;
    Hummus by Hamas;
    Hamburger Yassir’s;
    The Garden of Nasrallah;
    Saddam Hussein International Trattoria;
    Ayatollah’s Toll House Cookie Joint;
    Gulag ‘n Goulash;
    Chomsky’s Chophouse;
    St. Pancake’s House of Pancakes;
    and, after they’ve eaten too much, they can go to Rafsanjani Craig.

  4. It’s like potato chips or beer – each one makes me want more.
    Burger King Fahd (or any other descendant of ibn Saud);
    Osama’s Omelets;
    Kadaffy Taffy;
    Nasser’s Jr.;
    Al-Aqsa’s Subway that hasn’t been blown up yet;
    Atta Burger;
    Moussaoui-oni Grill;
    Dairy Queen Noor;
    A & W Reuters;
    Taco Beeb;
    The Amanpour House;
    al Qaeda con Queso;
    Wahhabi-chell’s Donuts;
    Orange Jihadi;
    Gaza Fried Infidel;

  5. You know…can’t we all just forget about the Haulecaust and move on? I know what you’re thinking…who cares what I think me being a dufus and all but I’m a gazillion years old and the last democRAT that occupied the White House without doing so with my pants firmly pulled down around my ankles most of the time so hey cut me some slack here ok…and besides i build homes for habitat and i have an ugly daughter and well…errr….ummm…hey…i really am the biggest loser ever! Never Mind!

  6. Comparison:
    Kiano Reeves, Eugene Levy, Michael J. Fox, Jim Carrey, Matthew Perry, DHT, EA Sports, Ubisoft, Nintendo, ATI, Logitech, Steve Nash. Invented in Canada: basketball and hockey…
    George Bush

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