If You Can’t Laugh at a Lamenting Lebanese Woman, What Can You Laugh At? – Part 4

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Drinking from Home, the blog that first introduced us to the unluckiest Lebanese woman, has more pictures from when her first home(s) was/were destroyed.
And now, further reporting from intrepid IMAO photo journalist Cadet Happy:

A Lebanese woman reacts as a giant marshmallow man destroys her homeland. When the Israelis forced her to choose Lebanon’s destroyer, she tried to think of the most harmless thing she could imagine only to be horrified by the results.(IMAO Photo/Cadet Happy)

A Lebanese woman reacts after having accidentally walked into a gay bar. Ryan Seacrest happened to be nearby to calm her down, helping her channel her homophobia into something more productive: hating Israel.(IMAO Photo/Cadet Happy)

A Lebanese woman reacts to an offer of delicious bass from an awkward Israeli. Pedro (pictured right) is currently under investigation for election fraud.(IMAO Photo/Cadet Happy)

A Lebanese woman reacts to the horror that is Janet Jackson. Muslim women have no greater fear than a public wardrobe malfunction, a catastrophe that would let invading Israelis know the color of their hair.(IMAO Photo/Cadet Happy)

A Lebanese woman fights for her life against Israeli pirate Captain Jack Sparrow, defending what little she has left since the pirate already took all her eye-liner.(IMAO Photo/Cadet Happy)

A Lebanese woman reacts as she bursts from a cake to find herself gawked at by Israeli men. She had hid in the cake to escape Israeli bombing, only to have the cake wheeled into a bachelor party.(IMAO Photo/Cadet Happy)



  1. “maybe you could build her a cake or something” And the Israel will BLOW it up!!! Muwhahaaha (The nepolean Cake, not the one that she’s jumping out of. but knowing her luck, Israel will probably blow them both up)

  2. We are amused. Our regime therefore grants Cadet Happy and his photo series the prestigious Double-Bah Medal of Valour!
    Bah! Bah! (The second Bah! was not photoshopped… despite rumours to the contrary.)
    We would bestow a third “Bah!” but that would require additional executions of my junta staff members.

  3. I think this chick is on her way to stardom. One day you’ll see her on Jay Leno, David Letterman, Conan,…and who knows — maybe one day co-hosting American Idol.
    Heh heh. A lady hosting American Idol in a burka. After each performer she could don her surprised look and scream uncontrollably.
    Great work. Keep ’em coming.

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