IMAO EXCLUSIVE: Fidel Castro Assassinated on Death Bed

IMAO has just found out that the ailing Fidel Castro was found dead with five bullets in his face. Our anonymous source with the CIA confirmed that it was in fact a CIA hit, the CIA deciding they better finally assassinate Fidel now or they’d never get a chance to.


  1. …a day late and a dollar short-our wonderful CIA…
    On a brighter note, this surprises me. I did not think the CIA would do this while Bush is in office since it makes him look good. The CIA does not seem to want to support Bush.

  2. Bah! Capitalist swine! This is an outrageous lie! Slanderous tales told by decadant media slaves to destabalize a utopian paradise and cause tumult and turmoil in the political system! (“Tis but a flesh wound…”)

  3. I really hope this is not true (wink, wink, nudge, nudge). Castro deserves to die painfully for a long time. It will get him into practice for his situation in the next life. There is justice, if not in this world definitely in the next. Bon voyage!

  4. been to cuba many times, have family there, its got capatilizm beat all to hell, free medical and every town has many clinics and docs and dentists. University education is free. the youth respect their elders and a handshake is sincere. dont knock the country or its leader until youve tried it

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