In Case You Didn’t Believe Me About Their Relevancy…

Kos, the new leader of the Dicklesscrats (a.k.a. the Daughters of Carter), has posted twice so far today, both about Lieberman and Lamont. I mean, it’s not like anything else important is going on?
Really, these people should be ignored. They are completely unserious and add nothing to the debate. Let these guy play in their sandbox while we try and get things done.


  1. Let these guy play in their sandbox while we try and get things done.
    Good God, man, keep those lunatics out of the Middle East! We don’t need them mucking around trying to surrender to anyone carrying an AK-47, while rambling abou–
    Oh wait, you meant an actual sandbox stateside. That’s fine, I guess, but some of the Nutroots couldn’t handle that either; better start them out in a litterbox and let them work their way up from there.

  2. Okay, little Kos defeated a Democrat, Lieberman. Now is he going to try to defeat Lamont, the Democrat? It’s so difficult to determine what the hell they’re talking about.
    I’d be happy to ignore those kids. Please stop providing the link to their icky website!

  3. Hey, you evil non-liberal evil guys. Stop being all evily. Kos is 1-0 against Democrats in primaries, in Connecticut(?), in August. Just because he is 0-19 against evil Republicans and is clueless on anything of any importance is no reason to make fun of him. Just kidding; the guy’s a putz. Does my use of Yiddish/Hebrew slang make me an honorary evil Zionist JOOOOO!!!! or am I just an evil neocon? Not that there’s anything wrong with being an evil neocon; there’s the evil part, which is nice, and that entire conspiracy to takeover the world and subvert the rights of US citizens, which seems like fun. But sometimes, I just want more.
    I’ve been an evil frickin’ doctor for thirty frickin’ years, but I was hoping to move up to the big time of being an evil JOOOOO!!!!

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