Instapundit Kills Five

(A Filthy Lie)
Wait… that post title should read “Instapundit Turns Five”, since his 5th blogiversary is coming August 8th.
Oh well. No time for the backspace key. Besides, I’m sure the original title will be accurate eventually.
Meanwhile, I figured I should get the guy a thoughtful gift, so as to curry his favor, allowing me to betray him after he accepts me into his confidence. Knowing how busy Glenn is what with his blogging, podcasting, book-pimping, hobo-murdering, etc., I thought I’d get him “Executive Decision-Making Dice“.
Since the traditional gift for a fifth anniversary is wood, and I figure Glenn’s too busy to throw TWO dice, I’m going to hand-make him a wooden 12-sider. It’s a work in progress, but here’s what I’ve got so far:
(click to enlarge)

If you have any suggestions for the other six sides, let me know.


  1. …yeah, so I started reading this here Blog after the whole Imao vs Instapundit thing had started, so indulge me these stupid questions:
    Do I like Gleen Reynolds?
    I tried to figure out if I like his views by reading his website, but I didn’t understand a damn word he said. Wayyyy to complicated for my feeble central nervous system.
    Is he pro-gun or anti-gun?
    Will he REALLY start shooting at cops from the roof of his university when the monkeys take over?
    If he doesn’t, should I?
    Harvey, Laurence, almighty FrankJ, please give me answers!!!

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