Kos Ends His Losing Streak… Kinda

It’s not the general election, but it’s quite a feat to defeat an incumbent in a primary. You have to give it to Kos; after seeing how good he is at making Democrats lose in the previous campaigns he worked on, this time he set out to purposely cause a Democrat to lose, and now loyal Democrat Lieberman has lost his primary because of his alleged gay tryst with President Bush (also, there was a whisper campaign about Lieberman being in fact Jewish).
So, unfortunately, today will not be “National Laugh at Kos Day.” Instead, we will just snigger at his gloating and the huge cluelessness behind it.
As for the anti-war millionaire primary winner not-Lieberman, he will now face Lieberman in the general election. If Lieberman wins, Kos will have effectively lost the Democrats one of the safest Senate seats they held. If Lamont wins, then Kos and his nutters will have spent all this time and energy just replacing one Democrat with another in an election year when Republicans were vulnerable. So, either way, the day after the general election will be “National Laugh at Kos Day.”
But, today, he stands victorious, a towering midget among gnomes.


  1. Does Connecticut have a runoff process? If no one candidate wins 50%+ of the vote in the general election, is there another election among the top two finishers?
    If not…
    Connecticut went 54-44 for Kerry in ’04. Let’s say Lieberman takes 20% of the Democratic vote (or the primary results suppresses Democratic turnout by the same amount), and the Republicans stick with their vote. The election could go 43 (Lamont)- 44 (Schlesinger) – 11 (Lieberman and/or stay home).

  2. Any possibility that Lieberman pulls a shocker and runs … as a Republican? OK, probably no chance in that unless Schlesinger has to exit for some reason and the GOP is scrambling for a replacement….

  3. There’s no run-off in Connecticut like in GA or LA, just a winner-take-all primary. Also, on the point of a lost Dem. seat: Unless Harry & Chucky do something stupid like attempt to strip Lieberman of his committee seats he will most likely still caucus with them (a la Jim Jeffords) meaning he’ll still be with them on procedural stuff. If they screw with him enough though he might jump ship and caucus with the Republican’s.

  4. Kos finally beat somebody; it was a Democrat, but still a win is a win, I guess, until you loose in the general election. One less Democrat in the Senate when Lieberman wins.
    My Rovebot 2006 is even more evil than the 2000, 2004 and 2004 editions plus he comes with 6 airbags for when Ted Kennedy is around.

  5. Yes, this truly is a victory for all the little people. …little people like Cable TV executives, old money and multi-millionaires everywhere. Oh, btw, if you think $3/gallon for gas sucks…just wait till you get a taste of $200/month basic cable. Yeah little people!

  6. El Santo, as cool as that would be, you do have to remember that even though he voted in favor of the war, Lieberman is a liberal.
    What I think is more interesting is this: Since Lieberman is running as an independent now, the people that voted for him in the primary are probably going to be inclined to vote for him again in the election. If that’s true, it’s going to split the democratic vote in two. If I remember correctly, more “blue collar” people voted Lieberman, where more, I guess you would say, “higher class” people voted Lamont(sp), and that is a heavy split. If that’s so, it could open up a chance for a Republican to take the seat as the Republican vote won’t be split in the same way.
    Just a thought.

  7. Hey Frank,
    The link in my name leads to George Snuffalufagus’ blog and he claims that a certain “Dark Hooded Figure” may have reached out to Lieberman on behalf of the White House. I smell a delicious recipe for an In My World, or maybe it’s just chocolate chip cookies….

  8. KOS is much like the French and Arabs. They all make very warlike noises, but the only time they can win a fight is when they’re fighting other Frenchmen (French Revolution) or Arabs (Most of recorded history). Any time any of them take on an opponent with any ability they always get their butt kicked.

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