“Never Apologize for Being an American”

LTC Randolph C. White Jr. in his graduation speech at Ft. Benning, Georgia, says it as it is and has a few choice words for the latte-sipping, blame America first crowd. If only the President spoke like this; it’s like one big verbal punch to a liberal’s dumb monkey face. A must see from Blackfive.


  1. Hey “Jim/schmo”, A dazed Brit & MFL, did you get all that? Don’t be scared to read it, because it’s a gift to you.
    You linked us to trash, IMAO links you to truth.
    You hide behind your vague interpretations, we get in your face with the cold, hard realities…even then, rarely reiterated better than LTC Randolph C. White Jr.
    You came twittering, screeching, dodging, twisting the truth and lying, yet all we want is for you not to leave empty handed or empty headed. So take that link to Blackfive, pray to Christ the Lord for guidance & go with God.

  2. WOW! Why don’t we get a chance to vote for guys like this…they are so rare! The last political type that I can remember voting for that inspired me like this guy was the Gipper. Great stuff! Makes me want to go out and punch a MFL in the face. I’d kick him in the balls but we all know they don’t have any and they all sit to piss so… God Bless all of our service men and women!

  3. I really needed that. I’m about to head off to Mountain View’s farmer’s market, where, in the free speech zone, there will be some fat, monkey-faced liberals selling deeply unpatriotic t-shirts and bumper stickers.
    And I sure wish that my undergraduate school had invited a speaker like that back in 1972. As it was, we got Carl Rowan teling us that we were all racists.
    I’m not making any of this up.

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