On the Virtues of Killing Children

You know how the trolls (and guys with green helmets) try to counter every argument with pictures of dead children? Well, Grim at Blackfive has a post which should make those people’s heads explode: He’s arguing for killing children! Seriously!
Anyway, it’s sort of Nuke the Moon™ argument: violence produces peace while pacifism produces violence. Except Grim is arguing that, by worrying about killing children, more children die.
Well, one thing is for certain: War is not a pretty thing.
UPDATE: Here’s an example of lefties hyperventilating over this one.
Shorter tbogg: Instead of dealing with the argument, I reduce everything into what I believe to be a witty strawman as fodder for the muckadoos who read me.
Just look above, dingus, I paraphrased Grim’s argument pretty accurately; it’s really not that hard.


  1. Almost accurately. 🙂 I’m not actually arguing for killing the children. I’m arguing for not letting our emotions about killing children get in the way of doing what the mission requires.
    You got the reasons right, but just to be clear: if, by miracle, no children are harmed in performing a mission of that type, I would be delighted.

  2. Grim,
    I meant the “Grim is arguing that, by worrying about killing children, more children die.” was a good summary. The parts saying you were arguing we should kill children was just to get people to click on the link (and your post title does imply you argue that).
    Great post, BTW. I’ll have to mull that argument over…

  3. Grim has wisdom beyond his age, unless he is an old fart. Nobody wants to kill anybody. But you have an enemy that views all of their people as shields because of their proaganda value. If we turned our disgust and revulsion toward the enemy that requires the death of all innocents we would probably be finished in Iraq, Afghanistan and the Israelis would have been far more effective in Lebanon. But, nooooooooo, the press, the libs and euroweenies all must assign fault and blame to those responding to attacks. maybe we should not care about them and get on with the job of killing every worthless Islamofascist we can find.

  4. I don’t want to make anyones eyes glaze over, but in 1729 more than 100 years before the Irish began dying in the thousands, thanks to centuries of subsistence living and discord with a more advanced, powerful country, Jonathan Swift wrote a piece called “A Modest Proposal.”
    Grim is following in a long line of satirists who have endeavored to awaken the masses to serious and dangerous patterns of behavior that need to be changed.
    Everyone wants to believe that these problems are new, they aren’t. The technology is new, the problems are as old as Man.
    Makes one wonder how long it will take us as homo sapiens to mature, or if we will kill ourselves off and make the environmental terrorists happy.

  5. George Bush has started an ill-timed and disastrous war under false pretenses by lying to the American people and to the Congress; he has run a budget surplus into a severe deficit; he has consistently and unconscionably favored the wealthy and corporations over the rights and needs of the population; he has destroyed trust and confidence in, and good will toward, the United States around the globe; he has ignored global warming, to the world’s detriment; he has wantonly broken our treaty obligations; he has condoned torture of prisoners; he has attempted to create a theocracy in the United States; he has appointed incompetent cronies to positions of vital national importance.
    Now, would someone please give him a blow job so we can impeach him?
    Ahhh…Republican “logic”.

  6. George Bush has started an ill-timed and disastrous war under false pretenses by lying to the American people and to the Congress; he has run a budget surplus into a severe deficit; he has consistently and unconscionably favored the wealthy and corporations over the rights and needs of the population; he has destroyed trust and confidence in, and good will toward, the United States around the globe; he has ignored global warming, to the world’s detriment; he has wantonly broken our treaty obligations; he has condoned torture of prisoners; he has attempted to create a theocracy in the United States; he has appointed incompetent cronies to positions of vital national importance.
    He did all that? Wow. We should impeach Bush.

  7. Hey babs, your empty headed remarks scream for a “fill your head with wizzdom” joke but it would be too easy and frankly, you’re not worth it.
    Hey Frank, I have an idea on how to make this site easier for muckadoos to use. Why don’t you just create a form with a bunch of checkboxes for each of “hello?” s insightful…er…I mean predictable lefty rants. Then they just open the form, click the boxes, and submit. Since they never really have an original idea and always fall back on the same tired, old (and de-bunked) talking points you’d only have to create the form once.

  8. Has anyone heard anything from Troll Babs. I haven’t see anything from her in days. It helps that I now screen the posts I read, sort of like profiling but more specific. If a post has the name BABs at the end I just skip over it. It’s my way of putting goodness and light back into my life.
    I also profile MFL and a few other trolls.
    Have a blessed day!

  9. To be repetitious, MFL
    We all know it was not the act, it was the “Lying under Oath” that was cause for impeachment for Clinton. Somehow, every Leftie seems to forget that this is what he was charged with. What is your definition of “is”?

  10. //”We can only do,” I must warn her, and you. “We can only do, and pray, that when we are done we may be forgiven.”//
    Sounds like the old adage that it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission.
    As a mom, my heart goes out to the little ones forced to live under the maniacal mentality of evil and wickedness from the islamocommunist bastards that rule their lives…and as a mom I want to ensure my own children never have to deal with this bullsh*t in their own backyards that is going on in the middle east.
    Priorities and common sense…how hard is that to figure out?

  11. Spacemonkey – Nihilism is the new black. Dada is the new grey. Forgive them…they’re just fashion slaves. The hysterical thing is that these children think they invented this schtick. Poor little middle-class kids with all of that liberal white guilt just for being born into a world that they can’t help but pollute just by being alive. They don’t “think” the world would be better off without them, they “know” it. Fortunately, they lack the strength of their convictions do to anything about it. If only they didn’t smell like marmot urine…

  12. Sadly, this whole argument is more of a black and white issue with no room for grey. Either we fight the enemy or we get blowed up. I think there’s been plenty of things come to light that shows this. We can’t get along with a group that despises everything we are. It’s like trying to shake hands with fire. You’re gonna get burned no matter how nicely you stick your hand in there.

  13. Nihilism is the new black. Dada is the new grey
    Yeah, Guano. Forgive us for having this vision impairment where we actually see the world for what it is. I think it is a lack of the protein Star-spangled-wool/rose-colored glasses-ine. The Repubican approach would be to remove the eyes, so that man can see better.

  14. //we would be happier if you and the troops had died as kids, //
    This babs dork is amazingly stupid!! She still doesn’t understand and it’s OUR troops and people who are willing to defend her sorry ass that keep her girl parts from being ritualistically mangled by a bunch of religous extremist that would view her as less than their favorite goat and would force her to wear a burka, making her chic belly button ring and the feminazi tattoo on her hip pointless. They HATE her, they want her DEAD. If she were to get on a plane with an islamocommunist, he would still blow her up, no matter how much she sympathized with his view. How much Moore retarded can she get???
    Yeah, I used “moore” ’cause “moore” and “retarded” just go together

  15. “…OUR troops and people who are willing to defend her sorry ass…”
    Blah Blah f***ing blah….again.
    They’re following orders of some chimp who doesn’t even understand geography, let alone politics. Of a bunch of corrupt Republican scum. Thats all. Defending me…..riiight.

  16. I guess trolls serve some purpose…I’ve been goaded into posting here for the first time.
    O.K., “Babs” (should I use the more formal “Babble”?), let’s see if I have this straight.
    Someone who cannot comprehend the way of the world nor grasp simple logic derides a sitting President as a “chimp who doesn’t even understand geography”?
    I never thought Clinton was a moron even though he couldn’t define “is”. Does that clearly illustrate the difference between liberals and conservatives?
    Consider the following before you try to dispute Grim’s thesis:
    1. Negotiating with terrorists breeds far more terrorists than killing terrorists. Is it possible we only understand this because we understand “supply and demand”?
    2. Rewarding any behavior serves to encourage it. Is this why you liberals tend to hyperventilate so much? Is it the resulting brain hypoxia that produces such bleating, babble, and venom? Is the attention you get all you really need? Cut me a break…I’m sort of new at this and I’m trying to play that silly liberal game where I try to deduce your motivations filtered through my own bias.
    3. Nowhere is it stated (neither implicitly nor explicitly) that it is desireable to kill children. In fact, the opposite is clearly stated. What is also a fact is that if hiding behind children is “rewarded” children will be hidden behind. Cease to reward the behavior and the behavior will cease since there is no other benefit derived.
    I’m trying, logically, to introduce you to a concept known as “the real world”. You’re welcome to join anytime you wish. Let’s see if you can put on your “big boy pants” (or “big girl pants” as the case may be) when you reply.
    I won’t wait with bated breath.

  17. Cannedmeat, awesome come back but you lost the babble critter with the word “comprehend”…no doubt the abortion babble had in 8th grade with the aid of her liberal public school counselor went a long way toward scrabbling her own brain.
    Well said though, CM, glad you posted.

  18. Babs is an expert on following orders. After three short years of practice, she’s now capable of saying: “Do you want fries with that?” so that it doesn’t sound like, “Djadieinapitwufcats?”

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