
The International Astronomical Union is currently working on a final definition of what a planet is so that the debate over whether Pluto is a planet or not will finally end and astronomers can finally tilt their telescopes back at the open bathroom window of their hot next door neighbor.
Thanks to some skillful detective work involving one of our contributors disguising himself as a janitor, IMAO has received a patrial list of the IAU’s list of planets and non-planets… (EDITORS: MARK AS EXLUSIVE TO IMAO)
Earth: Planet
Mars: Planet
Mars (the candy bar): Not A Planet
Planet Hollywood: Not A Planet
Jupiter: Planet
Venus: Planet
Public Enemy’s “Fear Of A Black Planet” album: Not A Planet
Venus Williams: Not A Planet
Pluto: Planet
Animal Planet Channel: Not A Planet
Saturn: Planet
Saturn (the car company): Not A Planet
Mercury: (see Saturn)
The Daily Planet: Not A Planet (or a real newspaper)
Neptune: Planet

Apparently, there’s still some doubt about Uranus, possibly due to the less mature members of the IAU sniggering and giggling whenever its name is mentioned.


  1. Wow. That’s quite an interesting link. According to the proposal, Charon (moon of Pluto), Ceres (asteroid) and that new planet with the alphanumeric name all get upgraded to planet status. It probably comes with parking priveleges and exclusive rights with the Sci-Fi Channel.
    I’m wondering… if Ceres gets to be a planet, does that means it has something like a million moons now?

  2. Typical scientific community, still in denial about the planet sized space station on the other side of the sun manned by the New Kryptonians under the rule of our Benevolent Overlord Kal El.
    They’ve never been willing to take him seriously ever since his short stint as a journalist at the …ehhem, DAILY PLANET.

  3. Xena, Warrior Princess: Might actually be a planet.
    If you don’t believe me, check out the wiki for “UB313” and find out what the astronomers who discovered it originally named that planet.

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