Proof Castro Is Alive!

It has been announced the Fidel Castro is recovering, and Cuba has released some recent photos of Castro to show that he is alive. Some doubt their authenticity and even suggest the photos were manipulated with photo editing software. To counter this, intrepid IMAO fauxto journalist Cadet Happy present these exclusive images that prove once and for all the Fidel Castro is alive.

Fidel Castro at mass today with an unidentified priest carrying today’s edition of the South Bend Tribune.(IMAO Fauxto/Cadet Happy)

Fidel Castro at a rally today with an unidentified supporter. He’s talking on his new Blackberry 8600g and carrying today’s edition of the L.A. Times.(IMAO Fauxto/Cadet Happy)

Fidel Castro with an unidentified foreign official. He’s listening to Christina Aguilera’s hit single “Ain’t No Other Man” on his iPod.(IMAO Fauxto/Cadet Happy)

Fidel Castro at a parade. It’s clear from his watch that it is today.(IMAO Fauxto/Cadet Happy)

Fidel Castro comforts a Lebanese woman who lost her home(s) to Israeli bombing. She’s clearly holding up today’s Miami Herald and Fargo Forum.(IMAO Fauxto/Cadet Happy)

Fidel Castro relaxing as he reads today’s edition of Granma, the Communist Party newspaper.(IMAO Fauxto/Cadet Happy)


  1. Bah! Yes, yes… it was Half-Off for Dictators Day. All of us went. Fidel looked simply wonderful! Yet, the Jujubes incident nearly started a border war… he swore to get all of us Jots when he went to the concession stand.

  2. The third picture is an obvious Photoshop! That’s not Christina Aguilera on the iPod – I can’t tell which song it is, but the cover art is quite obviously that of “Demon Days” by Gorillaz.
    I will never trust another photo attributed to Cadet Happy again!
    (Well, I can’t say I ever trusted them, but saying that kind of detracts from my righteous indignation….)

  3. Of course Castro’s alive. I’ll bet if someone shook his family tree “Dorian Grey” would fall out. Just image what the real picture of Castro would look like. Nevermind, I really want to be able to sleep tonight.

  4. jeremy — i just copied the bigger picture, shrunk it down then inserted it in paper, then did the same thing a couple more times — it was really quite simple
    brian — i picked the south bend paper for two reasons — 1. it was one of the first papers that showed up in the World Front Pages website (link is on drudge), and 2. it was just a weird thing — why the heck would anyone in cuba have a current copy of a south bend paper — that’s about it

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