Reuters Doctoring Photos From Tatooine

Before he was assigned to cover the Hezbollah-Israeli Conflict in Beirut by Reuters, it turns out that Adnan Hajj had been given another assignment long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away.
That’s right. He had been assigned to cover Jabba the Hutt’s palace on Tatooine.
Even though his word was masterful and captivating, Tatooine was outside of The Republic, so he didn’t qualify for Pulitzer Prize nomination. Still, he received much praise for his undercover work in the Mos Eisley Cantina exploring Greedo’s Jewish roots.
Everything was going great for him, until…

According to his personnel file at the Mos Eisley Bureau, Hajj was sent back to the office by Hutt frozen in carbonite, thawed out, and returned to Reuters Headquarters for reassignment.


  1. Maybe Hajj could take up the Han Solo position. Frozen, tacked against the wall, and left to rot. I especially like the “left to rot part,” but then again I’m a barbarian, just like my Celtish ancestors. Just give me a broad sword and assuming I can actually lift it, I’ll hack my way through the crowds of “unassuming civilians” trying to kill me.

  2. Accurate article up until the frozen in carbonite part.
    Actually, it was Helen Thomas who was frozen in carbonite for Jabba’s enjoyment. Karl Rove decided it was in GWB’s best interest to give the order since she had intimidated him for far too long.

  3. There you go again! Rather was (cough…sputter) right! So now you’re a PhotoShop expert! Prove that that wasn’t one of original concepts that George Lucas was pushing! It’s fake-but-accurate buddy!
    Ouch! Sorry…trying to sound like a moonbat makes my head hurt. No wonder they are so angry all the time. And sheesh…leaving off the all-caps made it 50% less moonbatty. Hardly worth the migraine. I love the cat. Lucas probably wishes he’d thought of that.

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