Saving Lynch’s Privates for marriage?


Jessica Lynch, the former prisoner of war whose 2003 rescue in Iraq made her an instant celebrity, is pregnant.
She and boyfriend Wes Robinson are expecting their first child in January, publicist Aly Goodwin Gregg said Thursday.

Having babies out of wedlock… yeah, I’d say she’s adjusted back into West Virginian civilian life.


  1. Dang,
    I’m first,
    Is that story confirmed?
    I thought she was a Hard-Core Christian. Just goes to show the Liberal Media misrepresented her faith.
    Now we know why they let her go, She’s probably a member of a newly organized “Sleeper Cell”, an Insider.
    Probably has meal tickets at “Hitlers’ Cross”

  2. She has a publicist? And, the publicist releases the “news” that Jessica is pregnant (and unmarried), and that the father is her boyfriend.
    I’m glad to hear that she at least had a clue as to whose spawn she’s carrying.
    Dang, we are desperate for heros.

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