
Q: What will prohibiting hair gel, liquid soap, shampoo, and other gel-based toiletries do to stop airline terrorism?

A: By banning basic grooming products only the French will fly, and they’ll surrender quickly to Air Marshals.

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  1. Why do these things always seem to happen just days before I have to fly? I mean, 9/11, the United Airlines incident where I almost got blacklisted, and then this? Seriously, if I didn’t have to get somewhere, I would have already done quit flyin’.
    I think we need to get some Star Trek engineers working on a transporter, or whatever they called it in that show. (I think it was transporter. My brother thinks it was something else… Someone throw me a bone here!)
    Anyway. Shame on Chertoff.

  2. I pretty much agree with your analysis; however, I think you forgot the fact that the French depend on their hair gel more than any other country. The absense of any hair enhancement products will result in a decreased use of air travel by the french, (and their allies, american-left or otherwise) while the rest of us will use the airlines with new vigor.
    I hope this clears things up a bit.

  3. al’right marrano, I’m clueless as to how a verse from Revelations talking about Hollywood Jews has anything to do with stinky French people. And how does posting it in a foreign language make it any more related??

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